Chapter 19

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Panic crept up my body and settled in my chest, making it tighten up and constrict my breathing. If Mia's not here, then where is she? Though I tried to stay sane and stop myself from letting painful thoughts of never finding Mia plague my mind, it was a futile attempt as my mind whirled with the amount of pain and torture my angel could be enduring.

"Gabby? Gabby? Gabby!" Leo's desperate whisper-yelling broke me out of my painful thoughts, I opened my mouth to snap at him, but was quickly silenced when I realised he wasn't look at me but behind me, his face drained of all colour. Cautiously I turned around and felt my face go the same sickly pale colour of Leo's.

"You know, your padre (father) said that not even you would be stupid enough to come looking for your little whôre, I guess he was wrong" Anger boiled inside me, I clenched my jaw and balled my hands into tight fists. Brando. Fûcking Brando. There he was, my dîckhead of a fiancé, acting so confident surrounded by four guys carrying huge machine guns. "Where's Mia, you fûcking arseho-"
"-I'd watch your language, little girl. I've got you and your little bodyguards cornered" Brando said, menacingly.

I grabbed four knives - two in each hand - and gave him my deadliest look. I'm not afraid of you. "First of all they're not my bodyguards, second of all you better tell me where Mia is or else-"
"-or else what? Huh? Didn't your padre ever tell you never to bring a knife to a gun fight?" a wide smirk stretched across his face. I matched his sadistic smirk with my own. Never underestimate me fûckface. "Who said this was a gun fight?"

Four silver flashes shot through the air. Four cries of pain were heard. Four machine guns clattered to the floor.

All four of Brandon's "friends" had knives stuck in one of their hands, causing them to drop their guns before any of them had the sense to pull the trigger. The shocked look on Brandon's face was satisfying but not nearly has amazing a feeling as when I threw a fifth knife, just skimming the top of his head making his already grotesque face contort into one of horrid looking fear.

"The next knife I throw will be buried into your puny brain" I threatened, he didn't dare move a muscle. Except the ones in his face. "You'd never be able to bring yourself to kill me" he mocked "wanna bet?" I asked, my voice dangerously low. "Your just a woman. A weak, dumb, innocent woman. I'd happily bet that you wouldn't kill me" he replied, ***"people who say women are weak, are really afraid of how strong they are"*** I spat, seriously contemplating throwing this knife into his skull, but decided against it on only one basis. He could know where Mia is.

"If you're so strong then put that knife down and beat me in a fair fight" he challenged, thinking he actually did something.

***"I am not a man. I have not male pride you can trick me with and I am not interested in single combat. That is entirely a weakness of your sex, not mine. I am a woman. And I will use any weapon and all weapons to get what I want"*** I fired back, motioning to the boys to grab Brando. In only a few seconds Brando was on his knees with his hands behind his back and two guns pointed at his head.

"You have two choices. Tell us where Mia is right here, right now or we'll take you with us and beat it out of you" I hissed, trying hide how desperately I wanted- no needed - to know where Mia was.

"I'm not telling you shît"
"I guess it's the second option then" I shrugged, walking out the cells as Leo and Al dragged Brando behind me.

We stuffed Brando into the boot of the car and I sped back to the safe house. The mission may not have gone quite a I had expected but we still had more than we had this morning. That's something. At least now Al could have another day or so to rest and heal. Not to mention I'll finally get to beat the living shît out of Brando.

Sorry, it's short but I'm currently studying for exams and finding time to update to tricky, but I hope you guys like this chapter. I just wanted to say where I put **** is a quote from the shadow hunter books. Btw, thank you for 8k!!!!

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