Chapter 14

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I stood there, looking up at that horrific excuse for a man, still no where near ready to spend the rest of my miserable life with him.

I paid no attention to the unimportant words spilling out the the vicar's mouth and instead steered it towards keeping my breakfast down. My gaze was lowered, refusing to look anyone in the eye, yet I could still feel the burning gaze of papa and Brando, it was as if they were daring me to "misbehave", getting ready to make my life hell. But I could also feel the soft, reassuring gaze of Al, Leo and Zia, I didn't even have to look at them to know what they were saying with their eyes "it's going to be ok" what does that mean? How could it possibly be ok?

Taking deep, shaky breathes I slowly raised my head. Instantly I was met with the dark, evil glare of Brando, I wanted so bad to glare right back, to show that I wasn't afraid of him. But I couldn't.

Using all of my might I broke eye contact with my fiancé and turned my head towards the crowd. In the front row, on the left hand side, sat my family, mama, papa and Leo, plus Al and just behind him, sat Zia. Just as I had predicted papa was giving me just as cold a glare as Brando, my mama however, was completely the opposite. It looked as if she could jump out of seat with excitement and here eyes shone with pride, clasped in her hand was a box a tissues. Leo, Al and Zia all held the same, almost unreadable, look in their eyes. As if they were trying to tell me something, something big, something important.

"I do" said a gruff voice beside me, successfully pulling me out of my thoughts "and do you Gabriella Nat Per Uccidere take Brando Mastracola to be your lawfully wedded husband"

All eyes were on me as I stood there, the words refusing to climb up my throat just say it "I do" just two words "I-I" was all came out as I choked on my words once more.

It was like my body physically wouldn't let me be with anyone else but Mia, the thought made me sick and it was becoming increasingly more impossible to say the two words that would split us apart forever.

"Gabriella, you're embarrassing me" Brando said in a cold, dark voice. I gulped. Here we go...

"I-I umm, I-"

The two dark oak doors bursting open cut me off as the whole church whipped their heads around to see...Mia?

Mia, standing there in a form-fitting golden dress, showing off all her curves, her mass of black curls piled on top of her head. She look beautiful. Stunning.

Our eyes locked and time stopped. The world had stopped spinning and the sick feeling in my stomach was long forgotten.

However, the burning gaze of the everyone around me soon pulled me back in reality.

I looked at papa, his cold eyes were staring deep into my sole, a silent warning that normally I would never dare ignore.

Then to mama, her eyes were pleading me, pleading me to marry, to do what everyone had always told me I was supposed to do, pleading me to not put myself in danger.

Then to Zia, he eyes held reassurance, telling me to follow my heart, to do the thing that will make me happy.

Then to Al, his eyes replayed the countless conversations I had blabbered on about how amazing Mia was, they showed me the first time I told him about her, the first time I truly accepted my feelings for her.

Lastly, I looked at Leo. The one family member I truly wanted to love me, for me. The one person I so desperately needed to accept me. And that's exactly what his sparkling brown eyes told me, that he loved me, accepted me. He gave me a slight nod and that was I needed.

I lifted my eyes and they immediately found Mia's, slowly I let my legs carry me down the two small steps until I was back on the red carpeted isle. Not once did my eyes waver from Mia's as I took, slow, powerful strides towards her.

"Enough" I cut my papa off, my eyes still latched onto Mia's chocolate pools. I wasn't going to let him stop me from following my heart, I wasn't going to let him dictate my life. Not anymore.

I got to the end of isle, I could smell her perfume, feel the body heat radiating off her.

And I didn't waste a second before firmly planting both hands on her waist, pulling her as close to me as humanly possible and crashing my lips onto hers.

Everyone and everything melted away the minute her dark, full lips touched mine. She wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me even closer as she returned the kiss, yet still letting me have full control. I swiped my tongue against her lip, begging for entrance that she gladly granted, as I deepened the kiss.

It was full of passion. Power. Love and lust as the people around us were long forgotten.

It was just us. Finally able to love each other. And I adored every minute of it.

Reluctantly we pulled away, the only reason being lack of oxygen, else I would never part my lips from hers.

Even though we were no longer kissing, we didn't move apart, we stood there, her warm, minty breathe ticking my face as I rested my forehead on hers. My arms wrapped possessively around her waist, hers draped delicately around my neck.

"So, what now?" Mia whispered in her soft, angelic voice.

"I have no idea"

Over 1k reads!!!!! Thank you so much!!! I hope you liked this chapter, it was my favourite to write so far and was very inspired by malec (if you know, you know)

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