Chapter 22

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I creeped along the hallway, opening every door as I passed, each time hoping Mia was behind it and each time I was left disappointed.

The silence washed over me like a bucket of ice water, peppering my skin with cold goosebumps and making my blood run cold.

The house was never normally silent, you could always here the maids cleaning or cooking, my papa and other Mafia bosses discussing business or my mama and her amigas gossiping, but now you could here a pin drop and it makes me want to scream just so this house would be filled with noise like I'm used to.

Trying to ignore the eerie silence I carry on down the hallway, taking small calculated steps so as not to make any noise, opening every door I pass and hoping that Mia is behind the each one but I  left disappointed every time.

I paused when I came face to face with my bedroom door. Just looking at sent a tsunami of memories flooding through my brain, varying from when Al and I used run straight up to my bedroom when he came round to play all the way to the last time I exited this door, in a white wedding dress at the very begging of this war.

Taking a much needed deep breath, I slowly reached my hand out and gripped the door knob, turning it slowly I braced myself to open the door and flood my mind with even more beautifully painful memories.

But it stayed shut, I yanked it more harshly this time but still, it didn't budge.

This is the first door that's locked. That's got to mean something

I knocked on the door as quietly as I could "Mia? Mia? Are you in there?" I whispered, praying to here are sweet voice. I was met with silence, complete and utter silence. Thinking that papa probably just locked the door as a petty way to say that I'm no longer considered his daughter, I let go of the door knob and turned away.

"Gabby?" A small, angelic voice filled with uncertainty rang through my ears. I whipped around so fast I was dizzy for half a second, but that didn't faze me in slightest. Mia, my Mia was behind that door. I could hear her voice for the first time in what felt like centuries and I felt my whole body breath a sigh of relief as all my fear dissolved, turning in pure happiness.

"Mia? Mia! Yes, yes it me, Gabby. I'm here and I gonna get you out" I said through the door, frantically pulling at it. But it still wouldn't budge and it made me want to scream.

"Mia, you're gonna want to take a step back, ok?" I asked, waiting for her response before doing anything "ok" he little voice replied before I took a few long strides back. I ran up and kicked the door, hoping to break the lock and burst it open.

I heard the lock break but the door didn't move, grabbing hold of the door knob again I angrily pulled at it, but the door just wouldn't budge. "Don't bother, it's bolted shut from the inside" Mia whispered, her voice sounding so broken, it cracked my heart in two.

"No, I'm gonna get you out ok?" I said, persuading not only her but myself. "can you tell me how and where it's bolted?" I asked, trying to keep my voice calm. "It's nailed shut with two wooden planks on the top right corner" she replied instantly, her voice not wavering even though I knew how scared she was.

"Alright, I've got and idea but I need to get far away from the door, ok?" I said sternly, wanting to keep her as safe as possible "alright, I far away from it" I heard her distant voice say, proving how far away she was. I yanked a knife from my belt and gripped it tightly before bringing my arm down as hard as I could and sinking the knife into the wood. It made an awful sound that bounced off the empty hallway walls and destroyed the deafening silence.

The knife didn't all the way through the thick wood straight away but with a couple more blows I had hacked away a good chunk of it, just enough for me crawl through, getting a few splinters in the process.

As I had emerged into the room my eyes darted around, searching for hers and they found them in less than a second. She was standing in the corner of the room, still wearing the once beautiful dress she wore the last time I saw her, through now it was torn and stained in brown, sticky blood. Bruises all the colours of the rainbow painted her face, arms and legs though I knew there were more hiding under the torn dress.

"Oh my god, baby what did they do to you?" I whispered, not wanting the answer. In seconds my arms were tightly around her waist and her face was buried just below my chest, I pressed a long kiss to the top of her head, breathing her in.

"Thank god you came" Mia said in a quiet, shaky voice, I pulled away from her slightly, keeping my arms locked firmly around her waist, before looking deep into her eyes, even after everything she had been through they were completely dry.

My girls the strongest person I know.

"Of course I came for you. You're my girl" I said, my mouth turning into a light-hearted smirk "oh, I'm your girl am I?" She teased, smirking right back at me "yeah you are, you're mine" I said lowly, bring my mouth closer to hers "I'm yours, and you're mine too" she replied, inching just al little bit closer so our lips weren't quite touching but I could feel them lightly brush against mine as she spoke "all yours" I whispered before closing the gap between us and devouring her sweet mouth.

She kissed me back with no hesitation and just as much passion. Even though we were still plunged in danger, and the men wanting to kill us both were in the same building, neither of us cared, too lost in each other to form any kind of sensible thought.

A loud whistle broke the moment as it pounded through my ears, I immediately pulled back, feeling cold and empty as I did, registering what that meant.

Al and Leo are in position waiting for me. Shît. Couldn't they have waited just a few more minutes?

"Alright I need you to go out onto that balcony, slide down the drain pipe, jump over the fence and run down the street until you see a black SUV, it's unlocked so get it and wait for me, can you do that?" I explained quickly, knowing that the whistle would have also alerted my papa "yeah, I got it" Mia instantly replied. Smart as ever. "Take this, just in case" I said, handing her a small hand gun "you know how to use it, right" I asked, just to make sure "yeah" he said quietly, looking down at the gun in her hands in fear. "Don't worry it's only for emergencies, you shouldn't have to use it" I reassured her.

She nodded in reply before racing to the balcony, glancing back at me before sliding down the Darin pipe.

You wouldn't even know she was injured, so fûcking strong.

I made my way back downstairs, going quickly but quietly. Standing in front of my papas office I whistled back and started counting down from five.

One...let's end this shît show

Thank you guys so, so much for 14k reads!!! I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter just as much as I enjoyed writing it. Pleas leave a comment, I love reading them! I'll try update soon.

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