Chapter 26

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My heart stopped and stuttered as I started my worst nightmare in the face, I had never been scared of anything, not even when my father used to beat me until it hurt to breath, and the fear seemed to burn through my veins and into my heart. Mia looked at me fear with pleading in her eyes, she was scared and begging me to save her but I wasn't sure I knew how. 

I could through a knife at his head, but he would shoot her before the knife started flying. I obviously couldn't get close enough to fight him, he'd blow her head off before I took my first step. The thought of conniving him to let Mia go crossed my mind but I shut it down before I even finished the thought, why in the world would he agree to release my Angel, the only hold he had on me, knowing the I would kill him right away? I am well and truly fucked.

Al and Leo had joined me, Al standing to my left and Leo to my right, both holding the same look of shock and fear on their faces, in my peripheral vision I saw All reach for his gun, if he does that my father with have a bullet buried deep into Mias head before he had his finger was on the trigger, not to mention that if Al kills him then he becomes Mafia King and if Al had that much responsibility he would probity burst, along with the whole Mafia empire.  "Stop!" I shouted, causing Al I immediately stop all movements and look at me in question "He'll shoot her before you have a chance to shoot him" I explained and he nodded in understanding, returning his gaze to Mia and my father. 

"You're such a dumb little girl Mia, if you had just shot me right in the head like a man we could have avoided all this but now I have to kill this brat, then your friends, then you" He pushed the gun harder into Mias temple and she winced. That one small movement of her beautiful face caused all the fear to wash away as a wave of anger replaced it, I clenched my jaw and fisted my hands, using all my self control to stop myself from doing something I would really regret. 

A whimper pulled me out of my rage filled thoughts as my eyes moved from my father's to Mia's, her eyes were glistening with unshed tears, her little body slightly shaking and her bottom lip quivering. I could see that she was trying so desperately to stay strong but she needed me, she needed me to reassure her and she needed me to help her stay strong. I stared deep into her chocolate brown eyes and nodded, it was the smallest nod but I saw her eyes slightly brighten, her shaking slowly stop and quivering lip pause, she nodded back, a nod that was even smaller than mine, but still a nod. 

My heart swelled with pride at how strong and fearless my girl is, she has gun pointed to her head but with just one nod from me she was standing there, completely unaffected save for the burning rage and determination lighting up her mesmerising eyes. I would love to believe that I was the main and only reason for her strength and power, but that wasn't true, it was all her, she was naturally strong, I just triggered it. 

"I see why you're so infatuated with this little thing, so pretty and small but she still has wonderful curves without be a fatty. Perfect." He purred in her ear, I wanted to throw up and break his dick at the same time. "the fuck did you just say about me?" Mia said, her voice dripping with rage and sass. "Feisty little thing, isn't she?" He chuckled "Thats fine, I like them feisty, all we need is to straighten these unruly curls then you'd be the perfect little play thing" He whispered darkly. I wanted to kill him.

"No one tells me how to wear my hair you motherfucker!" Mia shouted, pure rage during in her eyes. I liked this side of her, in fact I loved it. She looked to me for reassurance, raising her right arm , I clocked onto exactly what she was hinting and gripped one of knives. I nodded once more and saw her clench her jaw, determination shinning brightly in her eyes. 

It all happened in slow motion as her arm raised and she elbowed my father with all her strength into his jaw, a sickening crack followed as his jaw hung out of place and blood poured from his open lip. As his head shot backwards, his right arm recoiled ever so slightly in response to the pain and my eyes locked onto my target. 

Going to for the head was my initial idea but Mias head was too close to his for my liking, plus I wanted to watch him die. Slowly. Painfully. So let the knife fly and watched it soar through the air as Mia made her escape, rushing to safety of the car. The knife sunk deep into my father right wrist, knocking his arm to right as the defining sound a bullet being fired rang in my ears. 

For one precious moment joy filled me as I realised that we had one won. We had killed my father, Mia was safe and I was officially Mafia Queen. But that wonderful feeling of joy, of everything finally being perfect stopped abruptly with once small voice .


It was smallest of whispers but it rang through ears louder than anything I had heard before. Louder than my fathers shouts and screams of pain. Louder than Leos terrified gasp. Louder than the scream that failed to rip through my vocal cords. 

"He got me" Al whispered, his voice filled with pain. His hand holding his chest, red with blood.

The scream finally reappeared, tearing through my vocal cords and echoing down the street as Al collapsed, blood polling around him. The grey pavement stained a deep, evil red. It was almost as red as the bullet wound, creating a terrifying channel to his slowly beating heart. His beating heart that, though I didn't want to admit it, would stop beating in a few moments. Shattering my own heart in the process. 


Hope you enjoyed this chapter, it's probably my favourite one so far!!! Thank you so, so much for 19k!!!! pls leave a comment telling me what you think, I love reading them!!!

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