Chapter 20

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The sound of fist hitting flesh echoed through my ears, the crimson blood decorating my hands and face blurred my vision and pure rage clouded my mind as I beat Brando to a pulp. "You know, that's not gonna work if you don't actually ask any questions, right?" Al's voice said above Brandon's groans and cries of pain. I took a deep breath and stepped back a couple of steps, my fists still clenched.

"Where. Is. Mia" I growled in a murderous voice, Brando was shaking in his chair his arms bound behind him with tight rope, his face was no longer recognisable and his once white shirt was now red with his metallic blood. "I-I'll tell you j-just please let me g-go" he squealed, blood spilling out of his mouth as he pathetically begged me to spare him.

"We'll talk about that after you tell me what I want to know." I replied, trying to keep how desperately I needed to know where Mia was unknown to him. "Ok, ok I'll tell you" Brando squealed once more, still shaking vigorously "go on then" Al said impatiently, tapping his foot as if he was waiting to get to the front of a queue for the toilet.

"Y-your padre has her, s-she's being kept somewhere in your house, I-I'm not sure where. That's all I know I-I swear" she's been in my house this whole fûcking time. I tuned and left the dingy, blood smelling dungeon and stormed to the room I was staying, grabbed some paper and drew out the map of my so called "home"

"Did he talk?" Leo asked as he sat down next to me, a glass of whiskey in his hand "yep, the second I asked him. Fûcking wimp." I replied, not taking my eyes of the map forming on the page in front of me "where is she then?" He asked, sitting a little further forward with hope clear in his voice "she's stashed somewhere at home apparently" I huffed "do you believe him?" He asked, peering at what I was doing curiously "yeah, I do he's too much of a dumb fûck to lie on the spot like that" I chuckled slightly as I said it, but I didn't feel any happiness and I knew I wouldn't until Mia was back in my arms.

***. ****. ****. ****. ***

Here we were again, getting ready for yet another rescue mission. The fear that this one would end just like the last was swirling around my stomach, making me feel like I could throw up any minute. I took a deep breath and replayed the plan in my mind this can't go wrong. It can't.

"You ok?" Al asked, worry filling his eyes and he looks down at me "no, not until Mia's safe" I replied honestly, taking another deep breath, picking up an evil looking knife and fastening it safely in my weapons belt. Al and Leo exchanged a worried look before slowly approaching me.

"What is it? Why are you guys walking on eggshells around me?" I asked, frustrated "we're just worried about you, you haven't been eating or sleeping properly and I know it's the last thing you want to hear b-but t-there's a umm a-"
"Spit it out" I interrupt Al, becoming even angrier somehow, the both fall silent and gave each other guilty looks "oh my god! What is it!" I shouted, inches way from punching the wall...or their faces.

Leo takes a deep breath "there's a chance that when we find Mia she uh-she won't be" he paused and took another deep breath "she might not be ok, and she might to even be a-a-"
"Alive?" I finish for him "don't you think I know that, don't you think I've thought of every possible thing she have been or is going through?" I scream, letting the anger wash over me before it dissipates and turns into an evil mixture of sadness and fear. "I know that she's going to be far from ok when we find her...I don't think I'll ever be prepared to see her that way but I'm going to have to try. I don't have a choice" I breath out before walking out the house and towards the car.

The boys follow behind me, completely silent again, and pile into the back seats "ready?" I ask "born ready" they reply in unison as I start the engine and speed off back towards the place I've been trying to escape my whole life.

This is going to be one bumpy ride...

So sorry for not updating in forever, I had loads of exams then school trips including D of E, which was extremely tiring. Good news though, I'm on Sumer break so I have plenty of time to update.

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