Chapter 13

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I thought I would spend the day before my wedding the same way I spent the day before the Galla, lucky for me, I was wrong.

My mama wanted to have a "girls day" again, but Leo saved me, saying he wanted to spend some time with me before the wedding.

** **. **. **. **. **

"You have to actually aim Leo" I joked as he failed horribly to hit the middle of the target "shut up Gabby! Like you could do any better" he replied frustratedly, throwing the knife again, only to miss the centre by miles...again.

"Give me the knife, dipshît" I rolled my eyes as I yanked the knife from his grip. I looked at the target for all of two seconds before releasing the knife, we watched the knife fly through air so fast we could only see a flash of silver before it jammed deep into the yellow centre of the target "uh, I can do better, much better actually" I sassed as I tugged the knife out of the target.

"Since when could you throw knives like that?"
"Since I was twelve" I shrugged, as if it were a normal thing for a twelve year old girl to be able to throw a knife with perfect aim "how?" Leo screeched, his voice going up an octave or five "you know how every man, ever, always told to go into the kitchen and then I'd disappear for like three hours?"
"That banging was you throwing knives?" He said, after clearing his throat, trying to get his voice back to normal.

"Has Leo learned how to throw a knife yet?" Al asked jokingly as he walked back into the gym, holding three newly filled water bottles "fûck off Al" Leo flipped him the bird before trying again "I guess that's a no then" Al chuckled as the knife landed about a yard to right of the centre.

"That's it, I can't throw knives that's fine but I can shoot a gun, first person to get eight shots in the centre of the target wins" Leo said, slightly out of breath and very angry. "Alright, the looser has to pay the winner £20" I bargained, knowing I would win "deal" Leo said, obviously thinking the same thing as me, that he would win easily.

"Three. Two. One. Shoot!"

The rest of the world dissolved and all I could see was the target and the gun in my hands, my eyes zoomed into the yellow-gold centre as I pulled the trigger, willing each flash of silver to leave holes right in the centre.

I loved the feeling of shooting guns or throwing knives, it was the only time I ever felt in control. Everything in my life had been planned by my parents and I had no say in anything, even the clothes on my back and makeup on my face were decide my someone else. But when I had a knife in my hand, I was the only one who could decide where it went and when I had gun I was the only one who could pull the trigger.

In slow motion I watch eight bullets penetration the middle of the target, I smirked and placed my gun back into his holder as I smugly watched Leo shoot two more shots. I had to give it to him, he got eight bullets right where he wanted them, just a couple of seconds too late.

"£20" I said, cockily holding out my hand expectantly "I can't believe papa won't make you Mafia boss, you're ten times better than me at...well everything." Leo said, placing a £20 note in my hand "I know right" Al agreed, shaking his head. "Can we not talk about this? Today is supposed to fun" I said, annoyed that they had reminded me that I'm getting married tomorrow.

"It's going to be ok" Leo said, bringing in for a hug, "you too! What the hell is going on?" I whined, Al joined a few seconds later. "You'll find out soon enough" Al whispered.

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After pestering the guys as to why "it's going to be ok" for nearly an hour with no answers I gave up and turned to angrily beating the shît out of a punching bag, and Leo.

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