Chapter 27

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"no no no no no" I whispered again and again as I kneeled beside him, my hands red with his blood as I put pressure on the wound in a desperate attempt to stop the bleeding. "No. It's going to be ok. Its got to be ok" I said, trying to convince not only Al, but myself as well.

My vision was blurred with tears and adrenalin, my brain was whirling around like a tornado as I desperately pressed down on the wound, praying that the bleeding would stop, that we could just bandage him up and this would all be over.

I thought it was over

"Gaby" A weak voice said from below me "don't talk, save your energy" I said, ripping off a chunk of my shirt using one of my knives, bunching it up and pressing it against the wound."Gaby, stop" The weak voice rang through my ears agin as I watched the black fabric turn a slight shade of red.

"No, no, I'm not gonna stop. If I can just get this bleeding under control then-"

"You can't" Al interrupted me, placing his bloodied hands over mine "But-"

"no, it's not going to work, but that's ok"

"How is ok? How can it ever be ok?" I questioned, genuinely wanting to know how I'll ever be ok without him by my side "No one lives forever" Al replied, with a slight smile. "We were supposed to." I said, my voice breaking with unshed sobs "Remember? We were supposed to grow up to become two of best killers and drug lords in history and we were supposed to become rulers of own world where anyone could be anything no matter race, gender or sexuality, remember? We were never supposed to die" I said, trying desperately to hold back the tears as I retold and relived our favourite game we played when we were kids.

Al chuckled slightly before it turned into coughs that made my throat burn and eyes fill up with even more tears "You don't need me to do all that. You were always the true queen, I was just the morale support"

"of course I need you, I've always needed you. You're my best friend. You're my second brother" I said, my voice cracking and a tear escaping as I finished "You didn't need me when you broke into the cells and killed those guards, you didn't need me when you beat the living shit out of Brando, you didn't needed me when faced your dad in the meeting room and you didn't need me when you came up with that plan to save your girl" He said, cracking a smile.

Only Al could smile with a bullet hole in his chest. Only Al.

"You're the smartest, strongest, coolest person I know, and I've never met anyone with aim as good as you. If anyone can get through this, its you-"

"no, I don't want to get through this. I just want you." I plead, still grasping onto that small part of myself that says that he's going to be ok. "You don't have much of a choice I'm afraid. Now can you promise me something?"

"Anything" I reply, finally accepting that this is it. This is how his story ends.

"Promise me you'll be happy. Become Mafia Queen and show the world how strong and powerful women are. Go get your girl, and you better marry her because trust me, she's the one. Adopt ten kids or adopt none, travel the world or stay here your whole life, whatever makes you happiest. And once you've done that, come tell me all about it."

I nodded as warm, salty tears flowed down my cheeks and splattered onto the pavement "I promise" I said in-between sobs "Gabessandro?" Al asked, flashing me yet another smile and holding his hand out to me "Gabessandro" I replied, taking his hand in mine and squeezing it, never wanting to let go.

Al looked at me as he nodded his head slightly before shutting his eyes and letting his body go limp, I cradled his limp hand in mine as I called his name and begged him to open his eyes. My cries were stopped by the struggling rise of chest, I watched intently, filled with hope as it fell but that hope faded little by little every second his chest refused to rise again.

"Al?! Al! Wake up, please just wake up!" I cried as sobs racked my body. I held his hand in a bruising grip as picked up his head with my other hand and held his to my chest. I felt his blood soak my shirt as I held him and cried. I cried harder than I had ever cried before, wishing for the pain to stop, wishing that this was just a sick joke or nightmare. Wishing so desperately that this wasn't real. Wishing that I hadn't just lost the only thing that kept me sane my whole life.

The agonising pain was crushing me from the inside out as my heart and soul broke, my whole body was shaking as if it was trying to stay in one piece as my whole world crashed and burned around me. The pain just seemed to increase by every second until it became unbearable, until it was all too much. Until I screamed.

I screamed a gut wrenching, blood curdling scream that echoed down the streets and shook the trees. It burned my throat and made my ears ring but I didn't stop until my lungs were on fire, my throat was numb and my body had given up.

Two small hands clutched my arm as I turned to see a tear stained, bruised and bloodied Mia. She took Al from my hold and gently placed his head back onto the pavement, she took my had from his and washed the blood off them with a water bottle and some napkins before kissing the palm of each one. She wrapped my shaking body in a blanket, took my hands and led me to the car.

"W-we can't just l-leave him" I croaked out before she put a finger to my lips and shook her head. I watched as she walked over to Al's lifeless body and washed his hands the same way she had mine before placing them across his chest, clutching his gun as if they were flowers. Thats how we buried our dead in the Mafia, holding their signature weapons instead of flowers.

She covered his body with a blanket much like mine and nodded to Leo, who walked over and picked him bridal style, carrying him to the boot of the car. Mia walked back to the car and held a water bottle to my lips, I drank as much as I could, letting it sooth my burning throat.

Mia sat down in the next to the window and gestured to me to lay my head on her lap, which I gladly obliged to. I curled up into a ball and rested my head on her lap as I closed my eyes to the feeling of er fingers in my hair while Leo started the car.

I didn't know where we were going and I didn't want to know. I just wanted to sleep.

Maybe I'd see him in my dreams.


I loved writing this chapter since I adore writing emotional things (so most of my stories have death in them). Please tell me what you thought and thank you so, so much for 20k!!!!

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