Chapter 15

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Her chocolate brown eyes delved deep into my light brown ones, her sweet sent files my senses and her beautiful body fit against mine perfectly.

My heart was thumping with love and passion.

A loud sob yanked us out of our perfect little world, where it was just us, no one there to judge or hate.

"Non mia dolce figlia!" (Not my sweet daughter!) my mama screeched as suddenly those tissues came in handy.

As I ripped my gaze away from the beautiful girl in my arms my eyes locked with dozens of shocked, disgusted looks, I purposely kept my gaze as far away from my parents as possible but for some reason it was impossible to find the comforting looks from Al, Leo and Zia, even though my eyes hunted desperately for them.

Thats when it started.

"It's inhuman"
"They need help"
"Send them away"
"How dare they bring such sin into the house of God?"
Came the chorus of angry Mafia men.

Immediately I pushed Mia behind me, so she was completely shielded by body. In a room with over a dozen easily angered men carrying guns, you never know what they could do and I'll be dammed if I let anything happen to the angel behind me.

My papa standing from his seat and marching towards us silenced everyone, his face a crimson red with anger, the vain in his neck half a second away from bursting, Al and Leo where right on his tail, guns already in hand.

He grabbed my arm in an iron clad grip "what the fûck is wrong with you? Get back up that isle and marry Brando, right this minute!" he roared, trying to drag me up the isle, away from Mia.

"No!" I roared back, yanking my arm out of his grip. His eyes widened and his face contorted into and extremely shocked looking expression. You're not as strong as you think you are, old man.

I reached my left hand behind me and clutched Mia's small hand, making sure she stayed behind me, where she was safe, as safe as she could be anyway.

"No?" He said, dangerously quiet "fine, I've got a better plan" as he said that gestured with his hand for his men to come to him. Shit.

"Al, Leo! Take Mia, get her to safety" I shouted at them, immediately they sprung into action and began creeping towards us, going slowly as any sudden movements in the direction of my father could cause both their deaths. They didn't get very far. Four men pounced on them, two on each, restraining them. They struggled and desperately tried to pry themselves from the men's grip, but it wasn't much use.

Two men then advanced towards me and Mia, instantly my grip on her hand tightened. "Run, Mia. Run" I whispered to her, not taking my eyes of the gorillas heading our way.

She gave my hand a light squeeze before detaching her hand from mine. She turned and ran as I breathed a sigh of relief. At least she'll be safe.

I kept my eyes glued to papa as he reached for gun, pulling it out and pointing it at my head. "If you weren't my daughter and we weren't on the house in the house of God, you and your friend would already have your brains decorating the floor" my pap spat, the word 'friend' said with the deadliest venom. "Trust me, I know" I replied, my voice not wavering. I refused to show any sign of weakness or fear, though I couldn't show much even if I wanted to. I'm not the scared little girl you think I am, old man.

There was a high pitched scream and a loud thud from behind me. My heart stopped as all the wind was knocked out of me. Slowly I turned my head and felt dread creep it's way up my body.

One of the gorillas had Mia pinned to the ground, her hands behind her back, her beautiful face scrunched up in pain "get off me you dîckhead!" She yelled loudly, a strange mixture of fear and proudness pounced on my heat at her words. Proudness because my girl is strong and never goes down without a fight. Fear because this made the gorilla angry, and you never want to be near an angry gorilla, let alone have them already pinning you down. She let out a whimper that broke my heart in two as the gorilla put more pressure on her arms, threatening to break them.

Al and Leo thrashed harder against the men restraining them and I darted forwards , ready to kill the man on top of Mia. But two huge men grabbed both my arms, gripping hard enough to leave black bruises, their nails breaking my skin as I felt small trickles of blood flow down my arms.

But I was numb to pain erupting from both my biceps and the chaos around me became quite as the only thing I could focus us, the only thing I could see and hear. The only thing that mattered. Was Mia. My Mia. Being dragged out the church, away from me, and even further away from safety. I knew where they were taking her. The dungeons. The torture rooms.

My already broken heart shattered at I watched my angel hold back tears for dear life, still fighting against the huge man clutching her arms. Yes Mia, keep doing what you're doing. Keep fighting. Don't stop fighting until I save you, because I will save you. No. Matter. What.

Following in Mia's footsteps I didn't stop fighting as I was dragged alway from the church, back to the prison I had been trapped in my whole life. My bedroom. Brutally, I was thrown into the room, I landed with a loud thud, my dress crumpled around me, my hair now looking like a broken birds nest, my makeup snugged and heals snapped. But I didn't care. Not in the slightest. I jumped up almost as soon as I had hit the floor, charging toward to the door at full speed as it shut in my face and I heard the familiar click of the lock.

I banged on the locked door, I screamed to be let out and I didn't stop. Not when my knuckles cut and bled, not when my throat burned like hell fire and not when my heart started thump in pain instead of love, like it had only half an hour before, when my lips were locked with my angels.

Mia, my angel, stay strong, stay alive. Please, please don't give up. Don't leave me.
I pleaded to every god out there, even though I was atheist (despite the fact that my family and pretty much the entire Italian Mafia were devout catholics)

After hours of screaming and painful thumps my body started cave into exhaustion. My screams quietened, my thumps becoming increasingly softer and my eyes getting heavier.

I fought it with every bit of fight I had left, but it wasn't enough. My legs gave way and I fell to the floor, my throat on fire, my knuckles bleeding as the fast beat of my shattered heart pounded in my ears. I closed my eyes and let the darkness engulf me.

Thank you sooo much for 2k reads!!!! I hope you enjoy this chapter, sorry for the wait!

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