Chapter 8

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I woke up to the screeching sound of my phones ring tone, what the fûck?? No one calls me, ever! I groaned and rolled over to see who had the audacity to wake me up before 8am, which is the time I'm forced to wake up for family breakfast that papa insists we have every morning.

I checked my phone, it was an unknown number, most people would decline or let it ring out, but I'm not normal and decided to answer the call "Gabby! Finally, I've been calling you for nearly an hour now" said the soft, familiar voice. It took my slow, morning brain a good few seconds to figure out whose voice that belonged to, Mia!!, she called! holy shît, she actually called!! I heard soft giggling coming from the phone, my god I love her laugh, "thank you, I like your laugh too"
Mia said, still giggling "I said that all of that out loud, didn't I?" I asked, embarrassed "yep" she replied, popping the 'p' "anyway I was wondering if you wanted to hang out tonight, just the usual at the cafe with the guys?" She asked, she sounded hopeful and I let a smile grace my lips at the thought of her wanting to see me "sure, sounds fun and it's not like I have anything better to do at 3am" I replied, now fully awake "cool, well I have to go to class but see ya soon!" She said, cheerily "see you soon" I replied and she hung up.

I saved her number to my contacts and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in as I waited for my heart rate to slow down. How could she have this affect on from over the phone? I thought to myself as the butterflies in my stomach finally subsided.

I decided that I may as well get up, so I showered, brushed my teeth, got dressed into a dress that would please my parents and applied a light layer of makeup before plastering on a fake smile an heading downstairs to face mia famiglia. (my family)

"Ah, you're actually on time this morning, finally acting like a lady" papa said, settling himself at the dining room table "now go and help your mother, good practice for when you will finally become the house wife you were meant to be" I balled my hands into fists and tried to hold myself back from breaking my papas nose, somehow I managed to keep my fake smile plastered to my face "sì papa" I replied before walking towards the kitchen.

My mama was putting pancakes and bacon onto two plates and granola sprinkled on top of fat free yoghurt into two bowls, she looked up at me and made no effort in trying to hide her surprise "you're awake! Wow this is improvement, now take these to your papa and fratello" she said, gesturing to the two plates loaded with mouth watering pancakes and bacon "where's my breakfast?" I asked, craving the homemade pancakes and maple syrup "here" she said pointing to one of the bowls, I frowned and was about to protest before she cut in "I think it's time you start eating healthier, men don't like fat women and we don't want your husband getting tired of you. You may be in good shape now but in ten years it may be a different story if you carry on eating the way you do" she said, I just looked at her, wondering if papa and Leo would hear if strangled her death. I came to the conclusion that they would as I carried their breakfast into the dining room, before I put the plates down I smuggled two pieces of bacon from Leo's plate, and then went back into kitchen to grab my sorry excuse for a breakfast.

"Since you will be married next week I have hired someone to help teach you how to behave properly, because you seem to have difficulty with that" my papa said, he said the last part coldly, looking at me with disappointment. That hurt. I mean I don't really like my papa but he's still mi padre (my father) and seeing him so disappointed in me did hurt a little. I sighed and nodded "answer someone when they speak to, Gabriella!" My papa shouted, his face turning slightly red and a vein in his forehead popping, it takes the littlest think to set him off "sorry papa, I can't wait to start my lessons" I lied, it's not the best idea to get on the wrong side of an easily angered man with a gun.

The rest of the breakfast was the usual torture, my parents kept talking about how I needed to shape up and start maturing before I became a wife, constantly comparing me with Leo who was apparently perfect. If only they knew how badly Leo would rather become an artist than a Mafia boss, papa wouldn't be so proud of him then. But I don't grass people up, especially if it's just out of jealousy, so I kept my mouth shut and nodded along, my hands balled into fists so tight I felt my nails digging dangerously deep into my palms.

When breakfast was finally over I was forced to help clear up before I was allowed to go back up stairs, where I immediately picked up my phone, hoping to see a message from Mia. My face immediately fell when I saw nothing, though I don't know what I was expecting, she was at school after all. I sighed and did the next best thing, I went down the gym where I threw knives for a while, imagining my papas face was the target.

As I was about to throw one more knife I was interrupted by the ringing of my phone, I quickly rushed over to the bench I had placed my phone on and picked it up. The screen lit up and read the name I had been longing to see since the minute I woke up. Mia. I immediately answered the call "hey, what's up?" I asked, trying to sound casual "nothing, just missed you I guess. You sound out of breath, you ok?" He angelic voice said "I'm fine, just been working out. And I missed you too by the way" I replied as I started packing my things up and heading out the gym, still on the phone with Mia. I sat on my bed and we decided to FaceTime. We talked for hours, enjoying each other's company. I spent the whole time trying not think about kissing her, I didn't do very well.

It was around 7pm when I was called down to dinner my mama, I sighed, knowing I would have to hang up on Mia. "I got to dinner, see you at 3?"
"Yeah, ok" she said, obviously not wanting to hang up either "see you at 3" she added in a cheerier tone. I nodded and smiled slightly before reluctantly pressing the red button at the bottom of my screen.

Dinner was full of the usual shît "you need to behave better"
"Learn how to be a wife"
"Know you place as a woman. You're only a woman" and so on. As usual I spent the whole time desperately trying not stab my papa in the throat with a fork, I managed to resist. Barely. Instead I just sat there, sitting straight and agreeing with whatever my parents said, all the while counting down the seconds until I can leave and go see Mia.

Finally, I was dismissed from the table and able to go back up to my room where I set an alarm for 2:15pm and went to sleep.

Beep. Beep. Beep. I immediately sat bolt upright and tuned my alarm off. Wow, I never thought I'd actually be happy to hear that sound. I got out of bed and got changed into white ripped jeans, a grey crop top and my leather jacket, finally I feel a little more like myself, rather than the person my family want me to be. I quickly snuck out the usual way and was at the caffe in no time.

It was nice to see the guys again, I hadn't seen them since the first time I met them and I kinda missed them. I'd never really had any friends before, I was homeschooled and basically trapped in my house. I'm not aloud out unless we are going to some ball or gala, when I was little I used to hang out with other Mafia kids and the balls or galas but now their all grown up they've become exactly who their parents wanted them to be and don't want to hang out with me anymore. My best and only friend is Al, who I love but it feels nice to hang out in a group.

We spent the whole night talking, laughing and drinking milk shakes. It was the most fun I'd had in years. At around 4:15 the guys left, so it just me and Mia. Alone. The last time this happened we almost kissed and then I ran away. To say I was anxious, was an understatement "Well, I better head home" Mia said, as she put her apron away "are you parents going to pick you up or something?" I asked "no, I walk home." She replied, shrugging "at this time of night?" I asked, not liking the idea of her walking home alone at night "I'm walking you home" I said, leaving no room for discussion "you really don't have to, I'll be fi-"
"I want to " I cut her of, she nodded and laced her hand through mine.

It was silent on the way to Mia's house, not an awkward silence but a comfortable one. We just walked hand in hand, enjoying each other's presence. "This is it" Mia said, stopping at a family sized house, it was pretty with flowers decorating the drive way "see you tomorrow?" She asked, hopefully "of course" I replied, she went on her tip toes and kissed my cheek lightly before walking up her driveway, I didn't walk way until I saw her shut the door.

When I got home I sprawled on my bed with a huge grin on my face. She kissed my cheek. I know it was small and seems like nothing but to me it was everything, I still felt tingles where her lips had brushed my skin. God, I'm falling for her aren't I? I'm falling hard. But we're never going to be able to be together, I'm getting married next week. I going to end up breaking when my fall is stopped by my reality. And I'm going to break her with me.

I just wanted to say, thank you so much for 200 reads!!!! I never thought this many people would read my book. Thank you so much!!!

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