Chapter 18

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I woke up, and for a minute everything was ok, for a minute my dream was a reality- Mia was downstairs making breakfast while I slept in- the dream didn't last long though. Only a couple seconds later my smile dissipated and that sickly feeling of emptiness came crashing back. Mia was gone.

I let out a deep sigh as I looked at the alarm clock- 8:45- at least I got some sleep, I thought to myself as I heaved my exhausted, and slightly hung over, body out of bed. Slowly, I tugged on the same black fighting gear I wore yesterday and trudged downstairs.

"Sleeping beauty finally rises" Al chants as I shuffle into the kitchen, immediately the mouth watering scent of freshly made pancakes engulfs my senses "shut up and hand me a plate" I snapped, not in the mood for jokes, the boys instantly got the gist and handed me a plate as a depressed silence settled over us.

"When do you think you'll be up for a rescue mission?" I asked Al, wanting to get my Mia back as soon as possible but also making sure he was healthy enough for it "tonight" he replied, not looking up from his stack of pancakes "no, trust me, I want Mia safe and back in arms as soon as possible but I am not risking your safety and-"
"I said, I'm ready. It's really not as bad as it looks and I'm not letting Mia spend another night in that shît whole" Al said, finally taking his eyes off his breakfast and looking at me. I smiled, a real smile for the first time since I had stared into Mia's deep, brown eyes.

The rest of the day was spent making up a plan to get Mia back, it was pretty simple and even though she was in the well guarded cells getting to her would be easy. Knowing my father he will severely underestimate our abilities to kill, and Mia, having not been trained in the slightest, was no threat at all. Her cell was probably the one nearest to the entrance and most likely had the newest and weakest guards guarding it.

She'll be in my arms again soon. She has to be.

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"Al? Are you sure about this?" I asked as we all geared up for a rescue mission "yes! I'm sure, how many times are you going to ask?" Al replied, rolling his eyes "however many it takes for you to come to your senses" I sassed "you've known me my whole life, by now you must have realised I don't have any senses" Leo laughed at that, and agreed, soon enough I was laughing with them as we all relived the countless times Al had done something seriously stupid and dangerous but enormously funny.

Our laughing fit ended when we saw the sun setting in the distance, my jaw set and all traces of laughing and joking around vanished, as I turned my head I saw Leo and Al had the exact same expressions. We were all ready fight.

We were all in black, with bullet proof vests and belts stocked with weapons, again I had mostly knives while Leo had more guns, Al had the least amount of weapons, only a couple shot guns and a few knives (since his specialty was fighting) and instead had a piece of metal decorated with evil looking spikes wrapped around his knuckles.

Climbing back into the car, I kept my mind set on our goal. Mia. There was dead silence as I slammed my foot onto the accelerator and sped off back toward the place I had been trying to escape my whole life.

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We arrived at the mansion I once called home in record time, I parked the car on the side of the road as near as I could to cells while not raising suspicion. Not a word was spoken as we stepped out the car and marched our way towards the cells.

If you didn't know the cells the were there, you would have no suspicion whatsoever. To an outsider it just looked like a normal forest, but if you knew what you were doing it had a whole new light. It didn't take long to find what I was looking for, having followed my papa down her many times before. Hidden beneath innocent looking leaves were two oak wood doors, a metal chain wrapped around them and sealed with a padlock, grabbing a rock I smashed the padlock with it and yanked the heaving doors open.

Dirty stone steps lead into a black whole below, I took a deep breath, trying to calm my racing heart beat. Nodding at Al and Leo for comfort I slowly stated waking down the stairs. Only a couple of steps in I was engulfed my darkness, reluctantly I slowed my pace to stop myself from falling as I tried to feel my way down.

After what felt like hours I finally saw light, it was faint but it was something. Picking up my pace again I headed towards the light, surprised by how easy it was to get all the down here.

In a matter of seconds I was in a small, dimly lit corridor, cells on either side of me. But something was wrong. Very wrong. There were no guards, not one as I turned my head to take a look at the cells I felt a pang of surprise and fear jolt through me. They were empty. Every last one of them. No prisoners. No guards. It was completely devoid of any life other than my own, Al's and Leo's.

I took in a shaky breath as I carried on down the corridor, hoping so badly that there was another corridor, that this one was just a decoy to throw people off. I soon came face to to a stone wall. Every bit of hope I had shattered as I felt my heart contract in pain and fear.

Mia. Where's Mia?

Sorry for the slow update, been busy with school. Thank you so much for 6k reads!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I will try to update soon

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