Chapter 25

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"The fucking coward ran" I scoffed, embarrassed to be his daughter. "Are you sure he didn't get killed the cross fire?" Leo asked, looking around the room at the bodies littering the floor "yeah, it was pretty crazy, any one of us could have killed him and not noticed" Al agreed, joining Leo in his search "I guess" I shrugged, not totally convinced, but I decided to look anyway, just in case.

I crouched down and searched the floor, turning over body after body, each time bracing myself to come face-to-face with my fathers lifeless eyes. Every time I was greeted with the face of a man I didn't recognise, sometimes I came across a face I didn't think I'd be able to recognise even if he was my father, their face so covered in blood and deep gashes they were no longer human but rather a monster from the depths of a nightmare.

More often than not the bodies I checked had one of my knives embedded deep into a part of their body, usually their head, neck or heart, places where they would die almost instantly. I never miss. A strange, sadistic part of me swelled with pride at the sight of my perfect kills and I had to hold back a smile when I imagined the look of surprise on my fathers face when he saw me kill each one of his men, one by one.                                                                                                                      

Maybe he'd even be...proud? Maybe he'd look at me with a smile on his face as he shakes my hand and says "I was wrong, Gabriella, so wrong. You're amazing and you deserve the title of Mafia Queen." Then he'd hug me and whisper in my ear "I'm so proud of you"

Oh, how I wanted that to be true, how I wished I was naive enough to truly believe that. To truly believe that he would ever acknowledge that he was wrong, that he would ever be proud of and admit defeat to me. A girl. Just a girl. But I wasn't naive and I wasn't going to dwell on what could never happen, instead I was going to kill the bastard and take the thrown for myself.

Each time I came across one of my knives I savagely yanked it out of their flesh, crimson blood coating the silver blade that I'd wash away on my jeans or leather jacket, painting more of my clothing red, before replacing it in my weapons belt.

"Not here" called Leo from the other side of the room, followed by the thud of yet another body falling back to the floor as Leo scrunched his eyes closed and shook his head, as if trying to rid himself from the sight and smell of blood that he hates so much "Daddy's not here either" Al called, making me roll my eyes at his badly timed humour "It's clear here too" I called as we all stood and tried to calculate a plan in our brains. "so where do we go from here?" AL asked, looking around nervously "do you think he called for back up?" Leo questioned, listening for any signal of an approaching army, his eyes still searching for a place without blood.

"I doubt that" I say As my eyes followed a trail of dried, dark red and brownish blood that led outside the office "I think he's injured, badly" I said as the boys followed my line of sight to the gruesome trail my father had left behind "Jesus, that's some creepy Hazel and Gretle shit" Al muttered while Leo visibly gulped, probably trying to stop himself from gagging.

I followed the trail without saying a word and heard the heavy footsteps of Al and Leo behind me "m-maybe I should search the rest of the house, j-just in case" Leo stutters, averting his eyes away from the streaks of his fathers blood painting the floor "oh grow up, Leo" Al scoffed "Just don't look at it, follow us and we'll follow the trail, ok?" I said reassuringly, giving Al a warning glare. Leo nodded and followed me in silence.

The blood trail, almost glowing against the white marble floor, was made up of a mixture of streaks, dots and puddles of blood, most of it dried and a dark red by now but as we walked the blood became fresher, redder. As if it was a warning sign, as if telling us danger was a head. That didn't faze us though, no warning sign was going to stop me from killing that bastard. 

The blood led out the office and towards the large marble staircase, where it ran down the staircase in large dots and puddles, staining every step. At the bottom of the staircase was a massive puddle of blood, only half dried, I guess my father must've stopped to catch his breath or something, walking down the stairs while losing that amount of blood would've been nearly impossible. 

Past the crimson puddle was more streaks, leading to the front door which was wide open, blood painting the handle. Once out the door we followed the blood, which lead us right, back the way we came. With every step we took my anxiety grew, did he get to Mia? Is she ok? Did he hurt her? Did he- no! I've already lived this nightmare, already imagined holding her dead body in my arms and I refuse to ever do that again, it hurt too much. 

As we grew closer to the car, so did my nightmare. The minute the car was in my line of sight, so was Mia, my father behind her, I couldn't make out exactly what was going on from this distance but I knew it wasn't good.  I picked up my pace and began sprinting down the path, the boys hot in my heals. 

I came to a sudden stop when the scene unfolding before me became completely clear. My father had Mia in a deathly tight head lock with a gun digging into her right, my left, temple. "Let.Her.Go'' I hissed, clenching my jaw so hard my teether were on the verge on cracking. My father just laughed, he laughed and laughed. Just like I had done when I knew his men didn't stand a chance against me.

I guess we're more alike than I thought.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter, sorry for taking a while to update, I'm really excited for the next chapter, I have already planned it out I just need to find time to actually write it, I promise I will though!!:)

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