Tired With Fakers (Jennie POV)

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"Good morning Ms. Jennie!" "Good morning boss!" few workers greeted me as I entered the building. They pulled up that fakest smile everytime. I knew it. They only act nice infront of me. I know they never really likes me. To tell you, I've encountered several situation where I accidently heard bad comments about me as I silently walked past behind them. Not just that, I've caught so many workers talking shit about me as I was in a toilet's cubicle without them noticing. I mean, It happens all the time. I don't even know what's their problem cause as far as I know, I never treated them bad. They always thought I was that spoiled bitch.

Maybe because of my position as a Head of Design Department makes them jealous all the time. They probably think its unfair for me to get this job, they probably thought I got this job because of my family's influential background. But trust me I worked hard to get in this place. I get it by myself without anyone's help. I tend to went home so late just to finished my project and most of my staff didn't really see and appreciate my efforts. You must be wondering why wouldn't I work with my parent's company. Honestly, I just want to get out from being controlled and monitored. I want to be an independent woman without a help or protection from my family. I just want to be normal like some other employees. But my surroundings right now doesn't seem so positive.

No matter how much I try to change their negative thoughts towards me, it still didn't work. They are still going to judge me anyway. If I did well, they will say its because of my family's background, and if I did bad, they will still going to say bad thing, thinking I was a spoiled daughter. So at the end, I just focus with my job. I'm too tired to handle all of those fakers.

"what's with that annoyed face? any new story to share?" Irene teased me as I'm doing my paperwork on my desk. I could only sighed to her. Believe me I'm too tired to elaborate the same thing all over again. Among all workers, I could only trust irene. Cause she's the only one who defends me while I'm not around. "You know it" I answered it short. She laugh a little as she saw me rolling my eyes. "It is jenna and the geng? nancy with the cheerleader or abby with minion packs?" she asked while smirking. I took a long sighed as I heard her question. I didn't even do anything yet I already have so many enemies in this company. I think the only normal people in this company is from IT Department, though most of them looks weird and pervy atleast they never judge me.


"Sis, time for lunch!" Irene interupting me while I'm concentrating doing my work in my room. "Oh. It 12.30 already??" I was surprised cause time going so fast. I'm so into my sketching that I didn't even spare a glance at my watch. "Come onnn.. Lets go! I'm stravinggg" irene whined. A moment later we entered the canteen, I can feel few pairs of eyes staring at me as I make myself busy choosing my lunch menu. Some of them looking at me in a flirty way, the rest just looking at me with irritation and covered it fast with a fakest smile soon as I stared at them. Its annoying to be honest. But I'm not gonna back off just because of their stupid baseless opinion. I'm still going to be here and have my lunch cause I believe I didn't do anything wrong.


While I'm busy checking my email on my desktop, suddenly it went blackout. I'm surprised. I mean it was just yesterday that seulgi fix it for me, now its going down again. So I ask my secretary to call an IT department. Thankfully I'm in a hurry, so I take my time to just do some sketching on the sofa near to my desk. At the same time, I try to sew a fabric exactly just like what I've sketched earlier. I really love to explore and experience some stuff. IN DESIGN. Don't think about something pervert okay.

A few moments later, I'm interrupted by the knock of the door. "Boss there's an IT girl come to fix your computer" my secretary informed as she open the door. I started to turned my head back to look at my secretary and later diverting my eyes back to the fabric. I then started to speak "please let her in"

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