A New Technician (Jennie POV)

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I heard an unfamiliar voice talking to me while I'm busy sewing a fabric on the mannequin. I'm curious cause that voice doesn't sounds like seulgi. Immediately I turn my head to check who's the owner of that deep voice. I'm surprised to see a new girl in the building. To be honest she looks innocently cute and quiet which make things pretty interesting, and there's just something about her that attracting me. I don't know what it is. But I never feel like this to anybody else. She gave me this certain effect that I can't figure out. So I'm puzzled. She started to introduce herself to me as I'm standing infront of her. Her name is lisa and she's a new technician. Well. Atleast she looks normal than the rest of people in IT Department. No offence, I'm not judging them, but our connections are just zero since they tend to be like pervy and blurred. Except for seulgi of course, but she can be weird too sometimes. Please don't tell irene. They're actually in a term of knowing each other. Okay back to that new technician. Lisa could be my favourite technician to call starting from now.


A few moments later she started to check on my desktop and I continue sewing a fabric. But somehow I couldn't concentrate. I don't know what's happening to me. I just want to know what she's doing. Curiosity started to hit me hard, I started to turn my head back to check on her, I'm literally in shock. She's really cute, she's so polite that she didn't even dare to take a seat on my chair. I want to laugh but I need to protect my dignity. So I just informed her to seat on the chair. Hmm.. Is she scared of me? She seems hesistate to do her stuff. I hope nobody talk bad about me to her. And I just hope she didn't listen to them. Hold on! Why am I getting worried on how will she think about me. I never really care when people judge me though. What is happening to me. Maybe Lisa has a strong magnet implanted her body that I can't be far away from her. I'm literally standing close to her body right now. Tell you what, I feel so damn stupid once I saw codings on my computer's monitor. I don't understand a single thing that she did.

"So what's the problem?" I asked while pretending looking at the monitor. "Umm. Its. Umm the computer. I. Still umm. Troubleshooting the problem.. On this machine.. Boss" she answered. I find it funny that she's stuttering while answering my question. Her face is obviously red like tomatoes. Its cute. She seems so innocent. I bet she never really get this close to anybody. She look so awkward and panic. I don't know why but I feel giddy, it feels like I want to tease her more. I think I found my stress reliever.

A moment later we are interupted by a presences of Kai. That douchbag keep on coming here. I hate it. Isn't he getting the hint? I've been rejecting him right from the start. His stubborness really annoys me. Thank god lisa is here. He probably will keep insisting for me to be with him tonight if I was alone. After quite a while he left my office. Finally I could breathe again.

"GOD. He is so annoying!" I shouted a little. I forgot lisa is here in the room. I get kinda worried so I try to explain to her. "Lisa. I'm sorry if I scare you, I just don't like him". My voice sounds soft. I believe I'm behaving this way to someone that I like.

"Its okay boss" she respond with her small smile. She didn't seem to talk that much and just continued doing her job. Its intriguing. I want to get to know her better. Her personality seems so mysterious to be honest. Maybe I should asked seulgi more about her. She has this calm manner which makes her likeable. Her presence alone is already comforting me. Its crazy. Suddenly I just feel attached to her. We just met!

After 30 minutes Lisa fixing my computer, she's finally done. She started to pack her stuff. I'm in panic. Why it happened so fast. I wish she could stay longer here but if I asked her to stay she might get scared by my aggresive behaviour. I could only flaunt my prettiest smile hoping she will fall for it. But it seems like she is not interested. I feel challenged. Should I put more effort on her? Please give me courage guys!

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