Hindering you (Lisa POV)

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"Do you know what is this?" Mr. Kai asked while placing a beautiful shining stone on his desk. I'm still puzzled. What does he want? I thought he got a problem with his computer. But it seems like he wants to show me something else. Slowly I shake my head as a respond. "Its a diamond. Its beautiful, shiny, captivating and most importantly expensive" he continued as he observing the stone. I'm still confused. What exactly the reason he's calling me here. "You know, Ms. Jennie could equal to this diamond. She's definitely one of a kind. She always looks elegant and exclusive, everybody admiring her. Just like this diamond. But not everyone could own her" he continued elaborating. Well it is true. Ms.Jennie is the reflection of that diamond.

"And this. Its just an ordinary rock" he said while showing me that thing. Calmly I just listen to his words. To be honest I'm not really that interested or in mood to hear him talking. "People tend to ignore it cause it didn't have that much value. It looks super ordinary. Sometimes people use it as punching bag. They throw it on the sea, they kick it, cause obviously nothing beautiful about it" he started to look at me with piercing eyes right after he stop talking. His face looks serious.

"So. Which one of these stones you think you belong to?" he asked in a cold tone. I'm stunned. I realised he is actually trying to tell me that Ms. Jennie and I are just from different world. Reality started to hit me hard. I forgot, I wasn't supposed to hang out with someone as noble as them. Something crushing me inside. Suddenly I feel devastated. "Look, no offense but Ms. Jennie deserve to date someone that came from her kind, she has been born as a rich person and she already get used to it, I don't think she's strong to face difficulties if she dated someone that is incapable" He stated. A moment later he started to throw that rock in the dustbin. "I hope you get what I mean, you may leave" flatly he said while started to do his job. I bow to him a little and leave the room.

I realised I'm blinded by Ms. Jennie's charms, I become ignorant to my life choice. She managed to shaken my emotion and decision. It's dangerous. No I shouldn't let her in. But how am I supposed to cut our ties. We're working on the same building and I just can't quit. This job is important to me. At the end I decided to ignore Ms. Jennie after being warned by Mr. Kai. For days, I try to avoid from interacting with her. Though I missed her but I can't longer get close to her. We're just not a suitable match. Mr. Kai is right.

Unfortunately yesterday she saw me sitting at the bus stop and she was offering me a ride. At first I tried to reject her but she look almost pissed. Considering how high her rank in the building I can't keep saying no. I need to keep my reputation clean. So I try to stay vague and follow her lead. Honestly I felt suffocate as I try to control my emotion infront of her. I want to pour everything to her but I can't. Now that she saw where I live but strangely she didn't stop approaching me. She still adoring me eventhough she knew my poor life style. I don't know what to do anymore.


"Hello?" I answered as I saw unsaved number on my phone. "Hi lisa its me jennie, I need your help"

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