I Am Back (Lisa POV)

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Actually it is not easy to live in some other country. Plus I never had any experience living in paris. At first I was kinda lost. I was having a hard time trying to adapt to their culture and places. Not just that its hard to communicate with them cause not everyone fluent enough to speak in english. And because of this I have to take language classes just to blend in.

I'm basically a student with a part time job here in paris. For the whole 3 years. The company did covered all the expenses and extra allowance for my studies. But I didn't spend l that much. I'm saving up cause I was planning to set up my own business once I get back home. Its actually difficult to balance myself between studies and part time job. I feel pressure.

I have to admit its tough to survive on the first year of being a foreign student, I tend to get a headache cause my schedule was so freaking tight. I barely had enough sleep and I'm actually drastically losing my weight. But I think it's better this way, atleast I could distract myself from thinking about jennie. I know its annoying the fact that I left her hanging without concluding anything. The truth I still love her. Dearly. Though I said I was unsure with my feelings to her but that's not true at all. I have to say it. Cause I got no choice.

Believe me once I managed to fullfill my dream, I'm going to chase her back and when that time come, I won't ever let her go. If we're meant to be, we'll be together til the end. But if she isn't meant for me, I'm still going to love her til the end. I will stay loyal to her and watch her from a far as her secret guardian. Cause my love for her will always be pure and true.

3 years later..

While everyone is busy celebrating their graduation day with their family and loved ones, I'm standing here alone with my certificate. To be honest, I'm not a social person here so nobody is interested enough to approach me. I'm totally fine with that cause all I need is to level up my education. I just want that. I wish jennie was here to take a photo with me, celebrating my graduation day. But yeah, my situation is kind of complicated. I can't wait to go back home and meet jennie again. I want to claim her back.


I've been back in the country like few weeks ago. I just got to know jennie already quit her job. Seulgi told me she opened her own boutique with her clothing line. I think its a good decision. Cause the people in this company are pretty toxic to her. At some point I feel kinda sad. Cause I won't see her again in the building. Oh. I just got promoted as an assistant to my boss soon as I got back in the company. My life literally changes to something better. People started to look up on me and I gained so much confidence..

It's funny cause everytime I walk in level 6, I would have a flashback on my first interaction with jennie. Its bittersweet. I haven't met her yet since I'm busy setting up my own small business. But I'm planning to visit her boutique soon. I wonder how is she doing?


Seulgi is such a helpful friend that she willing to give me an info of jennie's boutique. I'm sure irene probably going to be mad if she knew. I'm actually planning to see jennie today. And right now I already parked my car infront of her boutique. I take my time observing the place a little while before I make a move. A moment later I get out of my car heading to the front door. I took a deep breath as I started to get nervous. My heart is pounding hard. Soon I get in and scanning the area.

I saw jennie. Her back is facing me. She is busy tidying up the clothes that are hanging in the wardrobe. Slowly I walk closer and pick a clothes few meters away from her. Soon I started to speak. "Hello how much is this?

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