Cold Shoulder (Jennie POV)

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"Ms. Jennie I'm sorry but lisa can't fix your computer right now. She's busy helping our boss. We'll send someone to handle this issue right away". One of the IT staff explained. I hung up the phone immediately. I took a long sighed. I feel frustrated and puzzled. Lately its so hard to interact with lisa. She keep on missing in action whenever I need her. Whats worst she has been ignoring me in the canteen for days. What's happening to her? What did I do that offended her? Why does she changed? There are so many questions playing in my mind. Its irritating.

I can't take this anymore so I started to go to IT Department. I won't be calm! Not until all of the question being answered. Soon I arrived infront of the door. I saw lisa sitting at her desk doing her task. "Heyyy Ms. jennie. What a beautiful sight"one of the staff approaching me with his flirty smile. "I want to talk to lisa" I stated with my serious tone. He look stunned. "um. Okey. One second" he replied. He started to tap on lisa shoulder while pointing at me. I saw lisa slowly turning her head back to look at me. But something about her stares intruging me. Her stares seem so gloomy. It feel so different. A moment later she begin to stand up and walking towards me. Nervous started creeping on me as she coming closer. "Ms. Jennie. I'm sorry I really can't fix your computer. I have important task for my boss. Hope you understand" she explained in her lower tone. She didn't even smile to me. I miss her bright side. "Oh. Well. Um. Okey" was only my respond. I'm baffled by her behaviour. She literally give me a cold shoulder. Something is crushing me inside. I didn't feel happy.

Soon I left her and went back to my office. I'm really mad. I want to know what the hell is happening between us. But then I have this brilliant idea. So I started to make a call. "Hello. Seulgi, I need your help, to my office now". I'm growing impatient as I wait for seulgi to arrived. Few minutes later she appeared. "Ms. Jennie good afternoon" she greeted. "Hi, can I have lisa's phone number?" I asked while looking at her intantly. She look surprised. "Please? Don't tell her! She has been ignoring me for days. And I don't know why" I continued. I'm so desperate. Never in my whole entire life being so clingy to someone. Not until lisa came in. "I never backstab my friend though, I need to ask for her permission" she stated. I feel so annoyed. "Fine! If you don't want to give it to me, I will call irene and I'm gonna tell her that I'm so devastated that lisa treated me badly!I'm gonna call her right now" I threaten her while pretending to call irene. "STOP!" she shouted a little. She look panic. "Look. lisa, she's like my precious little sister and she can't lose this job. Lets negotiate, I can give you her number but promise me not to hurt her" She continued while looking worried. "Promise. I won't" I convinced her. A moment later she shared me lisa's phone number. I'm relieved. For some reason I am glad that irene is working in human resource department.


It's 6.00pm and I just leave my office. While I'm driving exiting from the building, I saw someone familiar on the bus stop. It's lisa sitting alone. Apparantly she's waiting for the bus to arrived. I saw her playing a rock on her hand. I decided to approach her so I parked my car infront of her. She look stunned. "Lisa hey, hop in" I said while looking at her gloomy expression. She looks confused and worried. "Its okey ms. Jennie. I'll just take a bus. Thank you" she rejected my offer. This is really bothering me. "thats an order" I said firmly. I almost get mad but I try to restrained myself. She seems to be in a deep thought before she started to walk to my car. Soon she gets in without looking at my face. It hurts my feeling.

A moments later we arrived at her place. I envy her a lot. I like the way she didn't hide her background from me like most of people. So she live in a small banglo house. Her home looks so old and small. But I'm so proud of her. I think she looks awesome for being transparent. "Thanks for the ride ms. Jennie" She stated while rushly getting out. Obviously she's trying to avoid me. But why? I need to find the answer.

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