Grieve (Lisa POV)

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It's been 2 hours since my grandma is being admitted to the operation room. My mind is completely fuzzy and uncleared. Never though bad things would happened today. I feel so crushed and devastated by my family's fate. I was such a failure that I couldn't even protect my one and only family. When as a matter of fact she always be there to support me right from the start. I feel so disappointed and useless. A feeling of nervous and panic are conquering me as I wait for my grandma in the waiting area. I keep fidgeting my fingers and shaking my leg just to ease my mess emotion. I'm so lost and miserable. Tears keep on falling as I bow my head down.

Suddenly I can feel a small and soft fingers gently interlocking to my fingers pulling me out of my misery world. I realised I'm not alone. Ms. Jennie has been here with me the whole time, she is here trying to calm me down. I grab her hand tight as I'm trying to stay sane. Her thumb fingers keep on caressesing my hand as a sign of comfort. Honestly at some point her presences kinda help me to stay concious. If it wasn't because of her, I'll probably wouldn't know what to do . I'm glad that she is here with me.

"The men who's harming my family is actually my father. They drop me at my grandma since I was 5" I started to talk. Jennie just stays silent. She was probably shocked after knowing how fucked up my family is. "They never came, not until today and it is all because of money" I'm so tired that I don't mine if she want to judge the ugly side of my family. "Hmm. Lisa I think its better if you report him to the police. Atleast he won't came back and hurt grandma" She responded. I could only nodded without looking at her.

After quite some time, the operation door is open and a male doctor appeared. Immediately we stand up and approached him. Nervous started creeping on me as I waited for him to start talking. His expression is pretty dull and it seems like its hard for him to speak. I can't wait to hear the result so I started to interrupt him "How's my grandma?" my heart is beating so fast that I'm breathing heavily. "Ms. Lisa, I'm sorry we've tried our best. But.." he looks uneasy as he try to tell me something. "But? She's okey right?" I asked again impatiently. He shakes his head and starts to talk again "We try to save her but her body is too weak and she lost a lot of blood. I'm sorry, please be prepared for her funeral" I'm stunned upon hearing his last words. Suddenly my world stop. My heart shattered into pieces. No. This can't be happening. Why. My mind is literally froze as I try to digest the situation.

"Lisa. Please be strong" Ms. Jennie try to comfort me as she turn my body to her. I stared at her eyes for a while until I broke into tears. "No... My grandma Jennie, my grandma.." I can't form a words and just stuttering. My heart is aching by the news and I don't think I can accept it yet. I'm trembling and started to cry so hard as jennie embrace my body and hug me tight. "I'm sorry" is the only words that I could hear coming from her mouth as she caresses my back. I'm broken.


The funeral of my late grandma went smoothly as Ms. Jennie and seulgi help me handling everything. I still can't believe that my grandma left me too soon. I haven't contribute that much to her since I live. I feel so disappointed. I really want to repay back her kindness but its too late. I couldn't stop crying, I miss my grandma so much. I wish this was just a dream. My world is crumbling by the lost. I keep staring at my late grandma tombstone as people slowly leave. Suddenly I can feel a warm hands wrapping on my arm. Its Ms. Jennie. "You ready to leave?" she asked softly. "Can I stay here for a while?" I asked and she nodded to me. Few seconds later she started to walk away to give me some space. My mind is empty. It still so hard to swallow the truth. "Grandma.. Why you left too soon.. How am I supposed to live now" I started sobbing so hard while kneeling infront of my grandma's grave. It took some courage for me leave my late grandma's grave. I'm so grateful that Ms. jennie is always here with me. She always being attentive and help me a lot today. And driving me back home is the last thing I want her to do for me. I'm all silence in the car as we're on our way to my home. I miss my grandma.

A moment later we arrived. Ms. Jennie is ready to unbuckle her seatbelt but I stop her immediately. "Jennie. Its okay. You should go home now. Thanks for everything.. I really appreciate it" I told while holding her arm. She looks worried and uneasy. "I don't actually mind if you want me to stay" she stated while looking at me intently. I shake my head a little and started to talk "Don't worry I'll be fine. I just need some time to be alone" I keep looking into her eyes. Honestly she looks tired to me. I feel bad. She really need to have a break. "Jennie you can come back again, but I need you to recharge yourself" I continued while forcing a smile just to covered up my broken states. She didn't buy it. She looks rather worried. "Okay but call me if you need anything" she replied. I put a small smile as a respond. Soon she drove off.

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