Red Carpet

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A/N - Y/I/A means Your Instagram Account

"Y/N! Y/N! Look over here!" 

The cameras flashed bright in your eyes as the people around you shouted.

You clung on tight to Sebastian's arm, smiling brightly for the cameras that would inevitably have your photos all over the tabloids the next day.

Today was the Hollywood premier of your first big film. 

You had been in music videos and independent films before, but today you were about to see the first showing of the film that changed your life.

And of course you asked Sebastian to accompany you to the premier.

"Y/N who's your date tonight?" A photographer yelled.

You smiled up at Sebastian "This is my boyfriend, Sebastian. We've been best friends since High School. He's the only person I could ever think of bringing here tonight."

The drone of reporters and photographers continued.

"Y/N what are you wearing tonight!"

"Y/N who is your stylist!"

"Y/N I have to get the name of your make up artist!"

Everything was so loud, so overwhelming but you felt Sebastian reach for your hand and squeeze it one, two, three times.  I. Love. You.

So you squeezed back. One, two, three, four.  I. Love. You. Too.

You were full of nerves as you made your way into the theatre. Critics and actors were here. This could completely make or break your career.

You sat between your co-stars, who were now your best friends, and Sebastian was directly behind you.

The opening scene began, Seb put his hand on your shoulder, rubbing it gently as he heard your breath hitch. You were so nervous.

The movie played in silence as everyone around you watched. But you were too busy looking at the faces around you, trying to see if they loved or hated the film.

It was finally the closing scene, and you held your breath waiting for the reaction.

Then there it was.

The applause.

The people around you stood, clapping. 

Clapping for your film. Clapping for you.

You stepped out of the theatre into the cold air of the street outside. The cold of the winter air was turning your cheeks red but you were far too happy to care.

"Sebby it was amazing! They loved it!" You smiled, holding on to Sebastian's arm, practically jumping instead of walking.

"So did I my love, it was incredible." Seb said as he pulled you into a hug "You are going to go so far. You are a true star, one in a million. I love you."

You took a taxi back to your apartment, laughing the whole time.

The next morning you woke up to sound of your phone notifications.

@ seb_smythe 📷
SO proud of my darling @ Y/I/A. Their film was incredible, you have to go out and see it! Out in theatres across the globe next Friday! Buy tickets now!

You looked across to the man sat up against the headboard of your bed and couldn't help but smile.

You would soon be off around the world promoting the film, going to other premiers, but you knew that Sebastian would be right there beside you. 

Maybe not always physically. But he would always be there.

A/N - NEW YEAR NEW UPDATE! I'm looking forward to writing more of these when I find time! I have a bunch of ideas lined up but I would love to hear from you!

QOTU - What is one of your new years resolutions?

AOTU - To be kinder to myself and talk about myself like I would talk about my best friend

Love you all!

Sebastian Smythe ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now