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As far as you were concerned, that night was going to be remembered just the same as all the others.

You and Sebastian were sitting on opposite sides of the couch, each of you throwing popcorn towards the other at the same time as trying to catch them in your mouth.

That's when you got the call from Kurt "Heyo Kurt!" You said happily. But then you heard his choked sobs "What's wrong?"

He paused for a second "It's Finn...he...passed away..."

"Wait, what? Are you okay? How is your dad and Carole? Kurt? What happened?" Nothing "Hello? Kurt?" Your phone had run out of battery.

That was when your heart felt like it was crashing down. Finn was so so much more than a friend, teammate or teacher to you. He was family. He was like a brother to you.

And now he was completely gone.

You lied yourself down on Sebastian's lap as the tears started to fall. "Hey, hey baby, shh talk to me. Tell me what's wrong." Sebastian said soothingly, running his fingers through your hair.

You brought your head up so it was resting in the crook of his neck "Finn's gone." You whispered.

Over the next few weeks, you all had a funeral for him. Old friends came back to Lima. Kurt, Mercedes, Puck, Santana. You were hoping the pain would dull down after a while.

It didn't.

So Mr Schue gave the Glee Club an assignment. To sing a song that reminds us of Finn. Maybe a song he sung or something to celebrate his life, not mourn his death.

For a few days, there was a mix of people, all singing beautiful songs. His passing really had hit everyone hard. People decorated all around his old locker. Coach Beiste planted a tree.

And then it was your turn to sing.

"Hi everyone." You said, standing in front of the Glee Club "I'm sure that most of you know how close Finn and I are...were..." You cleared your throat "And Finn, wherever you are, if you're somehow listening, I'd like to dedicate this song to you."

A/N: Song at the top. Or the one under this line. I can't choose.

Everything felt numb to begin with, but as soon as you reached the bridge, you could feel the tears stinging behind your eyes.

No sooner than you finished singing the last note, the whole glee club, all the old alumni and Mr Schue all stood for one more massive, tear filled group hug.

"It really was beautiful." A voice came from the door.

"Rachel?" Everyone asked, shocked as the only slightly older brunette joined the hug.

You stayed like that for a moment or so before you pulled away to say "Thank you Mr Schue, everyone. If I have learnt anything this week it would be that you have to let people know how much you love them, because you never know when a last day might be. In light of that, I love you all. So much."

Later on, you called Sebastian to your house "Y/N/N, what's going on?"

"These past few weeks, I've learnt that tomorrow isn't always guaranteed, so if something were to happen to you..." You started.

"Which it won't."

You looked at him, as if to say 'don't interrupt my powerful speech' "Anyway, IF something were to happen to you, I want to let you know just how much I love you." You kissed him, softly and slowly yet still full of passion and love.

"I love you so much Y/N L/N." He mumbled against your lips.

"I love you too Sebastian Smythe. More than you know."

A/N: Well that was sad. The song I have for Y/N to sing is called Ronan and it is by Taylor Swift. It is such a beautiful yet sad song and I really do recommend it. And I do also recommend the other song, it is called No One But You (Only The Good Die Young) by Queen and it is in the musical We Will Rock You.

QOTU: Favourite movie series?

AOTU: Probably The Hunger Games. But I do love a good bit of HarryPotter.

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