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The Warblers had just performed.

And. Oh. My. God. It was amazing. And hot. Wow. Really really hot... And anyways, Hunter (ugh) started by singing and rapping 'Whistle' by Flo Rida. And then Seb sang 'Live While We're Young' by One Direction and he never took his eyes off of you.

And you were staring at him too.

The boys were coming off of the stage as you were getting ready to go on.

You grabbed a passing Sebastian by the tie and brought your mouth up to his ear, grazing his jaw on the way. "That was hot." You whispered as the helpless boy shivered slightly.

Sebastian's breath caught in his throat as you kissed him deeply before walking onto the stage, his eyes following you all the way.


"Y/N/N, there is something fishy going on with what happened with The Warblers." Sam said as he fell into step beside you.

You had lost at Sectionals. Marley had fainted during Gangnam Style and you had been disqualified. Although you wouldn't admit it, you were glad that if you couldn't win, it had been Sebastian.

But Sam was convinced they had cheated somehow.

You rolled your eyes "Listen, Sam, if I have told you once, I have told you a thousand times, there is nothing going on with the Warblers. Seb would have told me if there was." You tried to persuade him.

Sam continued trying to convince you but you weren't having any of it. So you just walked away, leaving Sam and his ideas at the the lockers.


You couldn't believe it.

Sam had been right. The Warblers had cheated. They had used performance enhancing drugs. Trent even confirmed it and said he was the only one who refused the steroids.

Meaning that Sebastian...your Sebastian had...

And so you were on your way to Sebastian's house.

And you were mad.

You slammed your car door and then knocked violently on Sebastian's front door. You heard the quick footsteps coming towards the door and were greeted by the slightly shocked face of Sebastian "Hey babe...what are you doing here?"

"Don't 'hey babe' me!" You said aggressively "I know what you did!"

Sebastian looked at you again, confused "What do you mean..." He reached out to try and touch your arm but you batted it away "Come inside." You folded your arms and followed Sebastian into his house. He indicated for you to sit "So what's wrong?"

You rolled your eyes "Don't play dumb with me Smythe." You spat "I know about the steroids. We all do."

He sighed "I...I...yes."

Of course, you knew that but the fact that he didn't protest...he just admitted it "What, you aren't going to try and defend yourself?" You pressed the matter.

"No." Sebastian said "Hunter suggested taking them and I didn't say no. Honestly I'm ashamed. But there is nothing I can do about it is there? All I can do is ask for your forgiveness. So...will you forgive me?"

You shook your head "I'm sorry...but I can't..." 

"Why..." Sebastian sounded more hurt than he had ever sounded before.

"Because what you did is inexcusable. You cheated and to you it may sound like I am being dramatic but you promised me you wouldn't do anything to hurt me or my glee club and by taking those drugs you made a choice between me or the Warblers. And you clearly chose the Warblers." You explained.

Were you being dramatic? Maybe.

But being there with Sebastian's protests, asking, begging you to stay wasn't helping your situation.

So, you left Sebastian's house, shutting the door and drove off in your car, the tears already threatening to spill

So then you pulled over into the nearest gas station car park and dissolved into floods of tears. Maybe what you had done had been the right thing for you and everyone around you, but you couldn't help thinking that it had just made everything worse.

After all, how could something that made you feel so so bad end up being good?

But what you couldn't see was Sebastian.

While you were sitting in a gas station car park, struggling to see through your tears, Sebastian was in a similar position, just crumpled on the floor of his bedroom, head in his hands, thinking about what he'd done, wishing you had stayed.

And he was crying too.

A/N: Ahahaha I am evilllllll!!! I think I will make a part 2 for this because even I cannot cope. Hopefully it will be out in the next couple of days.

QOTU: Guilty pleasure TV show?

AOTU: Ninja Warrior.

Love you all!

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