The Best Friend - Part 2

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In the months after your meeting with Sebastian and Alex everything seemed to be different. 

You stopped seeing Sebastian like before. You barely ever saw him. You used to meet for coffee almost every day after school. Now you didn't even text each other.

But not only were things different between you and Sebastian, other people had started treating you differently too.

It started simple, with people coming up and asking you where Sebastian was. And then everyone started making a big fuss about why you and Sebastian weren't together.

Then they started speculating.

You had been fighting off questions all day, but the one that made you break was when Jacob came up to you with his microphone to ask "So, the people want to know the inside scoop of what happened with you and Sebastian Smythe? Did he fuck you then leave you? Or did you just realise that he was a horrible person?"

You completely froze. Feet rooted to the ground beneath you. Jacob sighed "And you heard it here folks Y/N L/N refuses to talk about their relationship with the infamous Warbler. JBI out."

Relationship. He said relationship.

Is that what everyone thought you and Sebastian were? 

Is that what you thought you could have been? 

You would be lying if you thought there was nothing between you and Sebastian. But apparently you were wrong. Apparently there had never been anything between the two of you. 

And until you knew that there was no didn't realise how much you wanted him. How much you needed him.

You realised that there was no-one else left in the corridors of your high school. 

You could hear the high pitched...singing (?) of Rachel Berry from down the hall, and you knew that you should probably join the Glee Club for your rehearsal today, but there was only one thing on your mind.

You had to speak to Sebastian.

So you made your way to your car and got in and began driving to Sebastian's house.

You had no idea what you were going to say. But you knew that you needed some closure.

You made the familiar way to Sebastian's house, stopping outside the driveway.

As you knocked on the door, you took a deep breath and steadied yourself as you saw Sebastian's shadow on the other side of the door.

"Y/N..." He said, eyes wide, gesturing for you to move into his house, out of the cold "What are you doing here."

His eyes looked red and bloodshot. Like he had been crying. He was wearing grey jogging bottoms and a plain white shirt, his hair looked tussled.

When you saw his emotional state, all previous thoughts left your mind "Seb...whats wrong?" you asked.

He cleared his throat "Um...Alex ended things with me. A couple days ago."

Without thinking you moved forward, wrapping your former best friend in a hug. It felt comfortable. Almost like the past few months hadn't happened.

Sebastian sniffed "Y/N what are you doing here. We haven't spoken know."

Your heart dropped. You had no idea what you were going to say. "Yeah."

"Y/N you can be honest with me."

"I haven't spoken to you in months because I was heartbroken." You started "When you introduced me to Alex, I wished it was me. I wished that I was the one you were introducing to other friends, I still do."

Sebastian lifted his eye line from the floor to your face "Y/N what are you talking about?"

You had literally just spelled it out for him, and he still wasn't understanding you "Don't you get it Sebastian, the day you introduced me to Alex...I was going to tell you that I loved you! I still do love you, I've loved you far longer than you've probably ever known, and these past few months I've been fighting off feelings I know I shouldn't have...because you aren't mine. You've never been mine."

You let out a deep breath after your little speech, realising that Sebastian's gaze had shifted once more, to look directly into your eyes. "Y/N. Alex broke up with me because they knew what was between us wasn't just friendship. And I know on some level, both of us have always known it too."

A few moments passed, both of you still taking in the new information, before, almost like a magnet, the two of you were pulled together, lips joining in a short kiss, but one that was full of love and meaning.

As you both pulled away, Sebastian held you close and whispered "Stay with me? Just for tonight?"


QOTU - Best thing that has happened to you this week?
AOTU - Singing musical theatre karaoke at a party with my best friends

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