Shooting Star

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Since the comet/asteroid thing Brittany had predicted never actually hit Lima, quite a few of the Glee Club thought that Mr Schue's 'Last Day' lesson ended up having no meaning.

However, Mr Schue still invited Coach Beiste to Glee Club that week. Everything started out like it normally would...until you heard something.

No one had expected the gunshots.

They stunned everyone into silence. There were two of them, clear as day, it wasn't just some jocks messing around. There was a shooter inside McKinley.

"Get down, hide!" Mr Schue whisper-shouted as to not give away your whereabouts. Coach Beiste and a few others went around, locking all of the doors and windows and turning off all of the lights before going into hiding themselves.

"Start texting your families, friends, people outside school. Let them know where you are and our situation." Mr Schuester said a moment later.

You scrambled across the room to behind the piano, where Blaine was sitting hidden behind. You pulled out your phone, shaking and fumbling nervously as you typed out a message to your parents/guardians.

But when you reached Sebastian's contact, you decided that you had to hear his voice if it was going to be one more time .

"Hey, you've reached the voicemail of Sebastian Smythe. I am not able to take your call right now, I am probably busy with school, lacrosse, the Warblers or my partner. Leave a message or call me back."

The dial tone sounded and you took a deep breath, looking Blaine directly in the eyes "Sebby...I, there's a shooter inside McKinley, please, as soon as you get this, please, please come. I love you, Seb please..." Tears rolled down your face as you hung up the phone.

Blaine pulled you into a tight hug as other Glee Club members frantically called their families.

Of course, that included Marley.

But she couldn't get through to her Mom. Her Mom was our lunch lady and she was absolutely lovely, just like her daughter "Oh M, come here." You said to the younger girl.

"Y/N...she's not picking up...what if..." Marley sobbed, immediately taking her mind to the worst case scenario.

You took the crying girl into your arms "Shh, shh Marley, listen, either her phone is off or she just can't get to it right now, she is okay, I promise you M." You said, cradling her head in your arms.

After a few minutes of holding a crying Marley, you saw Sam make a break for the door. He was trying to get to Brit. Mr Schue and Coach Beiste stopped him and Mr Schue went off to find Brit himself, forcing Sam back into hiding."

"Blaine, pass my phone?" You asked "If I can't get through to Seb directly, I can try some other way."

You scrolled down the contacts list on your phone until you clicked on one contact you were almost certain would answer. "Hey Y/N!" Chirped out the happy and seemingly constantly cheerful voice of Trent "What's up?"

"Trent, where's Sebastian? Why isn't he picking up his phone?" You asked, voice wavering.

"He's just finished up with lacrosse training, I can go and get him if you need. But Y/N, what's so important?" Trent responded, his tone laced with worry this time.

You could hear Trent's footsteps on the unmistakable marble floors of Dalton Academy as you let out a shaky breath. "Someone fired a gun here and I just have to speak with him in case..."

"Oh god." Trent gasped "Okay...hold on, I'm just getting Sebastian." Trent's voice got further away "Sebastian, it's Y/N, someone fired a gun inside McKinley."

You could almost hear how fast Sebastian took the phone "Ma/Mon cherie, are you alright? Who's with you now?"

"We're fine Seb. We're with Coach Beiste and Mr Schue will be back soon." 

"He left you?" What type of godawful teacher leaves their students when they are in danger?" Sebastian ranted. You then heard a noise that sounded like Sebastian had put his hand over the receiver "What do you mean 'you have low battery' god dammit Trent!" He hissed "Okay, I'm just leaving. I'm coming to McKinley. Bye baby, see you soon."

"See you Seb. Bye." You hung up.

When you had turned your phone off and put it away, you looked up and saw that there was a camera in your face "Anything you want to say in case we..."

"God Artie! We can't think like that!" You scolded. But then the terrifying reality of your situation truly dawned on you "I suppose...Seb, I love you but...move on, be happy. And for my family, I owe you so much, I love you, and keep having our weekend family nights okay?"

After everyone who wanted to had spoken Sam shut off the camera. He was worried about Brit.

Mr Schue was still looking for her.

You made your way back over to Blaine who was sobbing, scared into his hands. Upon asking what was wrong, he said "It's Tina, she's out the front. She was late to school, god I hope that she's okay."

"Don't worry about her Blainey." You said "Tina will be fine. She won't be alone and besides, she can handle herself just fine."

After a while of being held in a tight embrace with one of your best friends, you heard the door handle. In that moment you thought it was truly the end.

Your arms wrapped tighter around Blaine, eyes squeezed shut.

"It's over." A familiar voice said. Brittany.

You stood up to hug Brittany with the rest of the Glee Club "Brit c'mere. I'm so glad you're okay." You said as the two of you broke off into a separate hug.

"We can leave." Mr Schue announced "We came across the SWAT team in the halls and they said that everything was clear. Everyone grab your bags, your families are all outside the school waiting."

You grabbed Marley's hand "Come on M, we're going to find your Mom." The two of you wove through the crowds of worried students, teachers and families until you spotted her Mom and they ran into each other's arms. Ms Rose gave you a grateful look over Marley's shoulder and mouthed a subtle 'thank you'.

Then you looked frantically around the crowd, searching for any sign of your boyfriend.

And then you saw him

"Sebastian!" You shouted "Sebby!"

He turned his head, so you knew he had heard you. Your eyes met and you moved so fast, half running through the crowd into his arms, jumping up and wrapping your legs around his waist.

"Oh thank god Y/N. Thank god you're okay." He mumbled into your neck before putting you back down on the ground, kissing you lightly. A moment later, Blaine approached the two of you "Thank you for looking after my Y/N." Sebastian said softly.

Blaine smiled warmly at Sebastian before saying "Don't be so surprised, they are my best friend after all."

You gave Blaine a grateful smile and tugged on Sebastian's sleeve "Sebby can you take me home?"

"Of course I can baby, come on." Sebastian said before you jumped on his back "Oh, okay..." He wasn't expecting that,but he still carried you a short while before turning his head to whisper "I'm so glad you're okay." And pressing a quick kiss to your nose.

A/N: So this episode most definitely made me cry so many times. I apologise for my writing but yeah, you'll probably get used to it.

QOTU: Favourite subject at school?

AOTU: Music, English or Drama.

Love you all!

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