Disney World

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Y/N and Sebastian go to visit Disney World in Florida (note- Y/N/N means Your Nickname)

"Hurry up Sebby we have to get to Thunder Mountain before the line gets too long!" You exclaim, tugging on your boyfriend's sleeve.

Sebastian turned his head towards you, sighing slightly "Y/N I told you on the plane that I didn't like rollercoasters."

"Please Seb, this one's my favourite." You pouted "Plus, you made me go into the Haunted Mansion when I told you that I didn't like Haunted House rides.

"Y/N you weren't even looking at the Mansion for most of the time. You were hiding your face in my chest for at least ninety percent of the ride. And the Haunted Mansion is a classic."

"So is Thunder Mountain." You argued. "Come on Sebby please."

Sebastian smiled slightly, letting out a chuckle "Oh god. Y/N/N. How can I say no to you." He took hold of your hand as you went off in the direction of Thunder Mountain.

After a wait in a longer queue than...anyone would have wanted...listening to everyone complain about how hot it was, you and Sebastian finally got to the front of the line.

As the ride assistant made sure the two of you were buckled in, Sebastian turned to you and said "Hey...Y/N...is it too late for me to get off..."

You smiled sweetly back at him "Definitely."

And then the rollercoaster started.

Sebastian was screaming right from the start. Each turn and drop he clung on tighter to your hand. 

You looked around from the top of the mountain, brief views of the park flashing before your eyes, disappearing just as quick as they appeared.

Soon enough the ride slowed to a halt and everyone began to climb off. Sebastian's grip on your hand relaxed as you both stood up. "Well...I liked that much more than I thought I would..."

Your smile widened "What? Sebastian Smythe? Are you saying that I'm right? I win!"

"What, no, there was no contest! I take back my statement!"  

"Nope. You heard it here first folks, Y/N L/N beat Sebastian Smythe in a contest!" You laughed as you walked down to the photo kiosk, getting many weird looks from passers by.

The two of you stood at the photo stall for a moment, searching for your picture. "Oh my god." You pointed to a photograph "I have to buy one of those to frame at home." 

Sebastian looked up "What? Why?" Then he saw it. While you were smiling up at the camera, looking like you were having the time of your life, Sebastian's eyes were clenched tightly shut, his knuckles white, one hand holding yours, the other gripping on the bar in front of him. "Oh god Y/N. Oh no." Sebastian looked over at you, where you were paying for a small print of the picture. "...oh no Y/N"

You took your phone out of your bag to take a quick picture of the print "...Y/N...who are you sending that to..."

"Santana." You laughed.

A/N: I recently had a dream where I was part of the glee club and Mr Schue took us on a trip to Disney land. To avoid getting lost he paired us up and let us explore the parks in our pairs. I was paired with Rachel and she was so controlling, forcing me to do whatever she wanted, taking my water because she forgot hers and "these vocal cords need protecting" and complaining about everything. So dream me just...slapped her. Proudest moment of my life.

Also, I think I am going to do another 1 or 2 parts to this mini series, what do you think?

QOTU - Favourite actor / actress from a musical?

AOTU - Mike Faist

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