Smooth Criminal

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Your shoes clicked on the marble floors of Dalton Academy.

Santana had sent you to the fancy school to confront the Warblers. And more importantly, to trick Sebastian into telling you what he had done to that godawful slushy that blinded Blaine.

When you came into the room, all you could see was a cluster of Warblers, headed by none other than Sebastian Smythe. The gorgeous evil genius.

You felt guilty for finding him attractive, almost as if you were somehow betraying the New Directions. But you couldn't help it. He was stunning. There was something about him that when he walked, when he talked or sang, you couldn't take your eyes off of him.

However, that was not important right now. You were there for answers.

"Don't know if you heard, but Blaine may lose an eye." That got all of their attention to land on you, each Warbler watching you as you wove through the chairs "The same Blaine that was best friends with all of you not four months ago."

All of the Warblers gasped, some started to murmur "Is he going to be okay?" Trent asked. You met him a while back because of Blaine

"Trent, I got this." Sebastian said, sounding sure of himself. You rolled your eyes "Bummer about Blaine, he was a good guy, but he shouldn't have got in the way, that slushy was meant for Kurt."

Yeah, like that makes it any better "Tell the truth, what did you put in that slushy?"

"Red dye number six." Sebastian shrugged.

A sound of disgust left your lips "You're a liar" You said boldly.

All of the Warblers looked shocked that you were questioning their leader and his authority "They question my honour. I demand justice in Warbler tradition."

"You want to duel?" You scoffed

Sebastian gestured towards the rather large performing space before saying "Everyone clear out this won't take long. I don't want you to see me make this pathetic New Directioner cry."

You already knew what song you wanted to sing "Hey, cello guys, I'm gonna need you to hang back a bit."

The cellos started playing a fast, skilled melody, and before you knew it, the duel in song had started.


Uh, as he came into the window
It was the sound of a crescendo, uh!
He came into her apartment
He left the bloodstains on the carpet, uh!
She ran underneath the table
He could see she was unable
So she ran into the bedroom
She was struck down, It was her doom
Annie are you OK?

You had to admit, you were shocked at how incredible his voice was. Those Warbler songs really didn't do him justice.

But you didn't have time to stand around in amazement, you needed to sing.

So, Annie are you OK?

Are you OK, Annie?

Annie are you OK?

So, Annie are you OK?

Are you OK, Annie?

Annie are you OK?

So, Annie are you OK?

Are you OK, Annie?

Annie are you OK?

So, Annie are you OK?

Are you OK, Annie?
Annie are you OK?
Would you tell us that you're OK
There's a sign in the window
That he struck you - a crescendo Annie
He came into your apartment
He left the bloodstains on the carpet 
And then you ran into the bedroom
You were struck down
It was your doom

Sebastian Smythe ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now