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You and Seb had been dating for a while, about three of four months. But you had been keeping a secret from your glee club (The Mckinley High New Directions) and only Nick, Trent and Jeff from the Warblers knew, so...

Anyway, you had gone for a quick coffee at the local place down by your school after classes and started your every day walk back home.

And that's when it happened.

You never saw them coming. Only when they made a grab for your school bag did you notice a person had been following you. For some reason you fought back. And then he took something and hit you over the head. Hard.

Everything went dark.

Santana's POV: 3 hours later

I can't believe this happened. 

Y/N has always been one of my best friends, they didn't deserve this. Sure they could be a little over-peppy and annoying sometimes but they were one of the only people who had bothered to like me for me.

They mean the world to me.

And sitting with Blaine in this hospital  room, waiting for them to wake up was killing me, because...what if they didn't?

Sebastian's POV: 3 1/2 hours after incident

I was back in my dorm room after Warbler practice and lacrosse when Trent burst in, bright red and panting "Sebastian, I was just on the phone with Blaine and..." He paused.

"Come on Trent, spit it out." I rolled my eyes.

He took another breath, trying to regain his composure but failing miserably "Sebastian, it's Y/N...they're in the hospital."

My heart dropped as my face fell.

Trent gave me the address of the hospital and I rushed off as fast as possible.

On entering Y/N's hospital room I saw a few of their friends from Mckinley, the New Directions if you will. Santana, Blaine and Brittany.

Of course, they didn't know I was dating Y/N but right now I didn't care.

"Oh good it's Andrew McCarthy, the horse-toothed twink." Santana said sarcastically but still ruthlessly. Why Y/N likes her I'll never know.

The other two looked up at me as Brittany said "Oh, it's the guy who blinded Blaine, what are you doing here?"

I rolled my eyes, not really caring that the blonde didn't know my name or that she was accusing me of something I quite clearly did. All I cared about was being at the side of my beautiful angel. "I'm here for Y/N/N." I knelt by the side of their bed "Ma/mon cheri(e)? Can you hear me? It's your Seb. I'm here now my love, you'll be alright."

"You're dating them!" Santana seethed as I brought Y/N's hand up to my lips and kissed their knuckles.

"For how long?" Blaine asked quietly from the corner.

"About three or four months. Maybe a little longer." At this point, my tears were threatening to fall. "Are you mad?"

Santana shook her head "Okay...maybe I was, just a bit...okay a lot when I found out about five seconds ago, but then I got to thinking. You may be a little bitchlet but even I have to admit that Y/N has been a lot happier over the past few months."

Brittany stood up and walked over to the other side of Y/N's bed. "Do you really care for them?" She whispered softly.

I nodded, the tears dripping down my face hot and fast "What if I never got to tell Y/N I love them?"


When you woke up everything was fuzzy.

Your vision was dark and blurry while  the voices sounded crackly and fuzzy, almost like an old radio would.

However, you could just about hear one voice that seemed like it was closer than all of the others. "What if I never got to tell Y/N I love them?" You knew that voice. Sebastian.

"You just did." You croaked. All four pairs of eyes in the room turned from a crying Sebastian over to you "And they love you too." Each one of them looked beyond shocked "What happened." They looked reluctant to tell you "Tana...what happened?"

"When you were walking home, someone grabbed your school bag." She explained "You tried to fight back, so they grabbed something and knocked you out. You fell pretty hard."

Blaine gave the two girls a knowing look "I suppose we should let the two of you talk alone."

"Did you really mean it beautiful, or was it just the drugs?" Sebastian asked after all three of your friends had left the hospital room.

"I definitely meant it, but did you?"

He nodded, holding onto your hand as if he would never let go "I did. Thinking about my life without you...I don't think I could manage it. Hell, even seeing you like that for a few really broke me...I love you so much Y/N/N."

"I love you more." You said, leaning slightly to kiss him briefly.

"Not possible." Sebastian smirked that famous smirk against your lips and despite your being achy, bedbound and now apparently school bag-less, you felt the happiest you had been in a long time.

A/N: I am an idiot, so I forgot the QOTU (question of the update) so I suppose that I will just start doing it now.

QOTU: Favourite non-Glee TV show?

AOTU: Brooklyn 99, The Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother, Panic, Pretty Little Liars, Taskmaster

Love you all!

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