Chapter 10

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Things weren't panning out in any way Meyer had anticipated, either.

Just after Trevor let Ari out of the car Friday morning, Meyer called him. As usual Meyer began speaking as soon as the call connected. "What's your ETA?"

Meyer asked just one question, but Trevor understood that the intent had more to it than finding out how much longer it would be until he arrived at the office. Part of Meyer's success was owed to how unreadable he was, but Trevor had studied him closely the first few months they were together and kept paying attention after that. Trevor's almost prescient assistance was another factor in Meyer's success as a vice president.

Trevor rushed to the office, leaving the driver behind to complete the original task. He went directly to Meyer's private washroom on one of the top floors to prepare the steam shower for Meyer. Meyer was only moments behind him. Trevor did all of the things which usually helped Meyer to relax, but nothing seemed to bring the full result. Meyer was preoccupied and tensely held back in a way Trevor had not seen before. He didn't know exactly what had happened between his boss and that woman, but it put him on edge. He was certain there was trouble ahead.

As for Meyer, he was in a situation he'd never experienced. For one thing, the only time he'd been stopped in the middle of an encounter with a woman was when he'd planned the interruption. On top of that, he'd never felt such a passionate response to a woman before that morning. He'd been around countless sexy women, but his desire for them was subdued compared to the way he wanted Ari. It was like the difference between wanting to scratch an itch and needing to quench a fire.

He spent Friday feeling keenly distracted and incomplete. It wasn't evident to outsiders because Meyer attended to everything on his task list Friday. Trevor knew it though and caught a few errors that were out of character for his meticulous and brilliant minded boss.

After work they rode in the back of the towncar to Meyer's house as they usually did. Trevor went through the overview of the next week's schedule. Meyer nodded his head and asked questions at appropriate times, but he wasn't fully tuned in.

"We don't need to finish this now," he said to Trevor as they neared the end of their journey. "Take the car for yourself tonight."

"Are you sure Boss?" Trevor observed the tense muscles in Meyer's neck, but said no more after Meyer nodded.

Meyer went to his athletic club first thing Saturday morning and attempted several different games, but couldn't keep his head in any of them. He went to the gym and was unable to keep track of how many reps he had done on any of the machines or with the free weights.

Meyer didn't often have time to spend a whole day at the club, he usually showed up in the afternoon. Since he was there early, he joined his usual cohort of friends in the club's restaurant for lunch. Meyer didn't join in the conversation and was constantly shifting in his seat. Mateo observed him with curiosity, but wasn't the only one who noticed odd behavior.

"What's up with you?" Carson asked.

"I don't know, my head is killing me and I just ache all over."


"No, I don't have a fever or chills. I feel like my skin is tight and itchy. Like I have too much blood flowing through my veins. Like my muscles are wound up too much for me to move them in the right time, like I'm out of sync." If he was completely honest with himself, he knew what was causing his physical discomfort. Ari Nichols. Or rather, it bothered him that his thoughts kept wandering to her.

Her innocent wide eyes as she told him she wouldn't be one of his many. Her surprised lips when he kissed her and how they softened as she inherently understood what to do. The way her mouth moved instinctively in rhythm with his. Kissing Ari Nichols was more arousing than the lead up to fucking any one of the dozens of women he'd been with and that arousal wouldn't subside.

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