Chapter 15

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Ari sat up and took the glass from Meyer's hand, sipping the water while she watched him opening and closing the cabinets and drawers as he searched for various cooking tools. He didn't seem to be particularly familiar with where things were. When he found everything he'd been looking for, he arranged the ingredients and cookware on the counter. "I have some work to do in the office, let me know when dinner is ready." He poured the wine into a decanter, then left the room.

Ari rose from the couch and went to the kitchen, occupying the space Meyer had just vacated. She inspected the chopped vegetables he had purchased from the grocery store. There were carrots, parsnips, turnips, and green peas.

"Aww. He's recreated the meal from the unintended-date at the Ralston for our first real date." She raised a hand to her lips when she realized she'd whispered her thoughts aloud. I don't think he heard me.

She placed her phone on a stand on the counter, needing to use it for cooking instructions for roasting the root vegetables, boiling the peas and pan grilling the steak.

"Please don't let me screw this up too bad," she prayed to the gods of cooking.

She figured out how to get the oven preheated and put away the bakery items. Assuming she still had several minutes before the oven was up to temperature, she went to the entryway where she found her bag and took it down the hallway. There were two closed doors and one open.

"One of--" Crap. I've got to stop talking to myself when I'm here. One of these must be his office.

The door which was open was at the far end and she guessed, correctly, that it was the bedroom. She set her bag down near the bed and went into the bathroom to freshen up, pressing a wet cloth to her temples and the back of her neck. The oven beeped, signaling that it had reached the temperature she set, so she returned to the kitchen. As she walked she was mentally double checking her calculations for when to start the steak based on the vegetables. She put the veggies in the oven, set a pot of water to boil for the peas, and set timers.

Somehow she managed to finish everything without burning either the food or herself. Smiling to herself, she put servings of each dish on plates and went to find her date. It seemed like the first door past the entrance led to a larger room than the other so she knocked lightly on it. "Mr. Meyer?" Not knowing if she had made a wrong guess or if she hadn't been heard, she opened the door timidly. The room was outfitted as an office and he sat at the desk having taken off his jacket, tie, and cufflinks. With sleeves rolled up, he was reading a document in a plastic folder.

"Mr. Meyer?" she said again, slightly louder.

"Hmm, what is it?" he said absentmindedly. "Oh," he startled. "Dinner! Sorry I got lost in work. Bad habit."

Rising quickly, he left the room, catching her hand on the way, and led them back to the kitchen. Picking up the decanter, he poured a glass of wine for himself and sparkling grape juice for Ari.

"Let's eat outside, shall we? The weather is nice and the bugs haven't come out yet. Go see if you can find some candles somewhere." He smiled pleasantly.

There were few items of furniture in which anything could be stored, including a sideboard by the four person dining table. It held a few serving items as well as votive candles, tapered candles, candle holders and a long lighter.

That's a lot of candles for a single guy with barely any belongings.

While she picked a few votives and cut crystal votive cups, Mr. Meyer took the wine and dinner plates out to the terrace.

"It looks delicious, Ari." He praised her as he sat down to eat.

Reaching over his own dinner, he cut several pieces of her steak before taking care of his own. As she cut the slices he had just made in half, she studied the terrace and interior of the apartment.

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