Chapter 14 🕯️

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Sure she was going to break out in stress induced acne at any second, Ari checked her complexion each time she passed by a mirror. Knowing what Mr. Meyer expected to happen between them, she rifled through her drawer of bras and panties multiple times trying to decide what to wear.

Just think about how it felt when he kissed me.

Her first kiss. And her second. The flustered feeling caused by Trevor's presence and the uncomfortable conversation kept creeping back in.

She texted Meyer. {Can I ask you a question?}

{Of course}

{That prescription birth control patch - where did you get it?}

{I don't know Trevor handles all that kind of stuff}

{When did you ask him to get it?}

{I didn't} {he had several options, do you need something different than what you're on?}

{No, it was just unexpected so i was curious}
Ari noted, but didn't press on the fact that no conversation about birth control had passed between the co-workers.

At ten before two Thursday afternoon, Ari received another text from the number she saved as "Mister."

{Be in the parking garage B110mins Sonoma Green Audi RS5}

The car was one of the new purchases Trevor was directed to make earlier in the week. Ari tiptoed through the garage, looking for a green car. She jumped back and put her hand over her heart when a car horn honked. It was already beating more rapidly than usual, so the startling sound of the horn made it feel like it might leap out of her chest. The blaring noise sounded again and she turned towards the direction she thought it came from. Mr. Meyer was walking in front of his car to open the passenger side door. She sighed in relief and closed her eyes a moment in silent prayer for the ability to remain calm.

He didn't say anything as she walked towards him and just made a hand motion to usher her into the car.

"Thank you Mr. Meyer." She situated herself in the passenger seat.

After closing the door softly, he got into the driver's side, leaned closely to her and put his hand on the side of her face. "Happy Day One." He spoke through a smile.

"Happy Day One." She squinched her eyes shut.

He made a one-breath laugh at her and touched the tip of his nose to hers before turning on the car and driving away from the building. Ari was too nervous to speak and Mr. Meyer didn't strike up any conversation.

Without asking for her address, and with no question from her, he drove them to her apartment.
"We're going to pick up the things you'll need for tonight and to go to work tomorrow," he informed her.

"We? Oh, well Mr. Meyer... umm... I haven't had time to clean my apartment this week... so..."

"It's fine. Go up by yourself, there's no place to park here anyway so I'll have to idle in the street unless a cop chases me off. I have toiletries for you already, so don't take too long."

Ari quickly packed some clothes and grabbed a case from her bathroom. Mr. Meyer said... She looked at the travel items and bit her lip. Having someone purchase that stuff felt a bit weird to her, but she also saw how caring it was. Yeah, right. Like Mr. Meyer would have done that. I'm sure it was Trevor. He obviously makes an effort in his own skin and hair routines, but he can't know what I actually need.

The car was still in the same place on the street when she came back down. They remained quiet as Mr. Meyer drove to their next destination. Ari looked at the sign on the building - an organic grocery store.

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