Chapter 13 🔥

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"Well hello there, Sexy. It's been a while. To what do I owe the pleasure of speaking to you?"

"I've just been... shall we say reminiscing?" Meyer used the lower registers of his vocal range knowing the effect it had.

"Oh? And just what exactly have you been reminiscing about?"

"How about I come over and we talk about it in person. Are you available tonight?"

"As a matter of fact, I am."

Getting an affirmative answer from his top choice made Meyer feel like fate was on his side. If he wasn't meant to do this, then it wouldn't be easy to make plans for the next three nights. Contacts had been arranged into three categories based on genres of sexual performance. Only the women who had made the biggest impression on him had made it onto the list. He treated the process like an audition and reviewed their videos when his memory lacked. It took him more time to do the pre-screening process than it took him to make calls and set a schedule.

Overnights were a rare occurrence for him and he hadn't done one with any of the women he added to his calendar. But by doing so, he could maximize the use of his final days of freedom. He'd also never stacked dates back to back like that so he left Wednesday night open for any necessary recuperation. Thursday was important to him and he wanted to be sure he was in prime condition for Ari.

Meyer pulled on the metal handle of the oversized wooden sliding door, it was unlocked as expected. Once inside, he hung his garment bag on a hook by the door while glancing around for his hostess. It was a large, one-room apartment in a former industrial building, only the bathroom and a large closet were separate. He'd never asked, but didn't think she actually lived there based on the furnishings and equipment.

"Up here."

He looked up towards the high ceiling and saw his playmate wrapped up in the aerial silks that hung from beams.

She expertly tugged and twisted her way down until she was seated at the bottom of the loop. "It's been a while, but do you think you're up for these tonight?" She kicked out her legs and began swinging.

"That's exactly what I had in mind." Meyer was fit and limber enough to participate in her more adventurous positions.

She smiled. "I'm ready when you are." She cocked her head towards the kitchen area. "Camera's already rolling."

He stripped and got situated as she briefly reminded him about the techniques he'd need to use when maneuvering. Her acrobatic performance was better than he'd remembered. Afterwards, they'd lingered, exhausted, in the fabric trusses. After sleeping many hours, they made use of the stability balls and angled support pillows scattered around the space. Meyer set the files from her camera's memory card to upload to his cloud as he showered and got ready for work.

Monday night, Meyer bowed his head in greeting when he stepped into the room he'd booked at Cinque. It wasn't a normal hotel room with a king size bed. There were PVC foam mats stacked in one corner and mooring rings secured on the walls around the room and bolted to the floor.

"Mistress." He addressed the woman sitting on a stool in a mirrored corner.

She didn't reply, but stood and opened her case of accessories and toys as he undressed and set up his own camera.

"You've not been keeping in touch with me."

A leather riding crop snapped sharply across Meyer's thigh. "Sorry, Mistress."

"This is supposed to be a memorable night?"

"Yes, please, Mistress. Only... no marks that will last this time."

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