Chapter 40 🕯️

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Sebastian returned to the apartment several hours later, bringing take-out food with him for dinner. After they ate, Ari asked Sebastian if he knew what his schedule would be for the upcoming week.

"Why do you need to know that?"

"I just wondered since my period is due."

"What?" he groaned, obviously annoyed. "Actually, what's the problem? Why does it matter?"

"Well..." Ari's face got red and she turned away

"Look, I get that you didn't want your first time to be while you had your period, but it doesn't matter anymore. I mean, it would be another first for me - having sex with a woman on her period."

"I just," she stammered and made hand motions

"The mess isn't an issue. I have a laundry service to deal with that shit. Or if you want we'll lay down a towel or just, I don't know, fuck in the shower."

"It's not about the mess," she mumbled. She let her head slump until her chin touched her chest. "I just don't want to."

"Fine, we won't." He was irritated "So... what? You're unavailable until when? A week from Tuesday or something?"

"No, it will be done by Friday or Saturday."

"Friday or Saturday? This week? Are you sure? How do you know?"

"Well, it depends on if it starts Tuesday or Wednesday, but I know because the pills cycle through different levels of hormones starting on Sundays. It makes it fairly predictable, but there's still a window of time that might fall on either day."

"Wait. So you mean last time you were done...?"

"On Saturday."

"On Saturday," he repeated. "So we could have spent Saturday night together? Or Sunday?"


Ari could sense an edge in Sebastian's voice, it seemed cruel and angry. She didn't understand what was happening. "Sebastian?"

He scoffed. "Nothing. Just... nothing," his voice was hard.

FUCK. Why am I such a fucking bastard? I'd made loopholes in my promise to her. I'd gotten drunk and slept with Gemma the day after telling her I wouldn't be with anyone else. I justified myself by saying she'd left me in a state of continual hard-on without plans to relieve me of it herself so it was necessary. Then I'd further justified my choice by tripling down with the notion that our relationship wouldn't start until Ari did have sex with me. Motherfucker.

Normally, he liked being a bastard, but he got no satisfaction from the situation.

He took a deep breath and tried to normalize his tone. "Let me call Trevor and find out. I'll try to make some actual plans for you. Okay?" He got out of bed and went into the office.

"What the actual fuck am I doing Trevor?" he hissed into the phone. "I just found out her period never ends later than Saturday and there I was acting like some sex crazed maniac getting off with six people in six days because she had me so worked up, when really, after that first day I could have just been with her." Meyer paced a small path as he spoke. 

"Then this weekend, I decided that I needed to get her out of my system so I screwed her eight times in less than twenty-four hours. Including one where I was so mad at her I left finger marks on her shoulders where I held her down." Meyer clapped one hand over his face. 

"And what was I mad at her about? For drinking the liquor that I poured down her throat and getting black out drunk. I was so turned on when I was mad at her and she took it so good." He took a deep breath. "FUCK," he admonished himself.

"Sir, maybe you ought to consider just breaking it off."

"Fuck you, Trevor. Don't you ever say anything like that to me again," Sebastian snapped at Trevor, which he had never done before.

"Sorry sir."

Sebastian let out a long, loud exhale. "Fuck. No, I'm sorry, Trevor. I know you're just looking out for me. I never cared about sex this much before." He wouldn't admit out loud that what he actually cared about was Ari because it didn't make any sense. "Her period is coming up again. What have I got going on after work this week?"

"Only the cocktail party on Wednesday." Trevor went back to his normal tone with Meyer as if their conversation had been completely devoid of judgement or emotion.

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