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Robert's funeral was honorable enough for the warrior he once was, Cersie played her part of grieving widow to perfection, as always, and I stood behind her as support the entire time. I have been spending as much time as I can with her, talked to her about my travels and Cersie expressed her immense distaste at my husband for not coming with me multiple times, but I convinced her of not acting on the insult since she has much to worry about already.

I have not talked to the youngest Stark girl since our first encounter, Sansa on the other hand has been joining me for tea every day this week. However, today I will have it with my niece and nephews. "Elyn makes sure that there are enough blue pies, my niece and nephews love them as much as I do" my sweet kids.

Tommen and Myrcella are the first to arrive, such beautiful kids they both are. They danced around me, laughing and jumping, I joined them in the fun as we waited for Jeoffrey. I would love to take them away from this dangerous place and back to Dorne with me, but I can not, they are not my children.

Joffrey finally arrives "Apologies aunt, as king there are always things that need to be done" you are not king yet my love, "Of course I understand my brave King, but come and give your aunt a hug" he does just that before sitting in the chair to my right. "You made us blue pies, thank you aunt Davina" how has he grown since I saw him last, my sweet boy. "How insolent of your husband to let you come alone, I will make sure to punish him" "Don't, my love, I can handle my husband, you must only worry about being a good king."

We talked the entire afternoon, I have always loved spending time with them and they with me, but alas it was getting late, Tommen along with Myrcella went back to their chambers. I take advantage of how calm Jeoffrey is at the moment and sketch him in my journal. I always did this when he was a little boy, he would sometimes even make funny poses to humor me, my favorite drawing of him is one of when he was no older than 5 and fell sound asleep in my lap. I relieved this joyful memories until he asks, "Aunt Davina, do you think I will be a good king and make my father proud? Lord Stark makes it seem so easy and he looks at me like I am some worthless idiot boy... It makes me wonder what my rule will look like in the history books."

"Of course you will be a great king my love. You are just young and your father's death was so sudden, he didn't get enough time to prepare you for the role. You will learn from the people around you, from your mother must of all, and she will never leave your side... and at the end of the day YOU are king" to be honest it frightens me what your temper could do to the kingdoms, but that is what Cersie is here for. He grabs my hand on the table "You will always be my favorite person in the world...you have always made me smile. I love you more than the seven kingdoms combined, aunt Davina" I hold his face and kiss his cheek, hold him tight to me "And I love you so much my sweet boy, my love for you will never falter" no matter what you do in the future.


Little over a month has gone by since my arrival, the proper mourning protocols have been met and I leave today at dawn. Cersie and her children along with the Stark girls bid me farewell yesterday. Strangely enough, in my stay I never once got to meet with Lord Stark, maybe it was for the better. I was quite disappointed that I didn't get to see Tyrion as he went to see The Wall after visiting the Starks, and didn't even send word to me.

Now once again my brother Jaime escorts me to my ship, he was so keen on talking to me and would not leave me alone until we made up for the whole Johna incident, it is true that I can't blame him for our father's actions and trying to protect me while away. However, he told me about what happened with Bran Stark back in Winterfell, and gods did I chastice him for it, so stupid of both of them to risk exposure in such a way, he said everything was under control, told me not to worry about it. His ego has only gotten bigger since I saw him last, but he will learn one day.

Jaime hugs me goodbye and says "Write to me more often sister... you are so far away from me now I worry for your safety" I am far away from everyone I have ever loved brother, "I will write more, I promise... keep good company to our nephew and make sure Cersie doesn't go crazy you are the only one she listens to" so to speak "I will certainly try Davi, safe travels." Once again I leave King's Landing but a new fear for my sister and her family embeds itself into my heart. I do hope you listen to me and run Cersie, run.


The journey back to Dorne was a little over a week, we encountered a small storm but nothing we couldn't handle swiftly. We docked and to my not so big of a surprise, Oberyn wasn't there to welcome me, so I turned to Tayta and said "Isn't my husband just the most considerate man in the whole of Westeros? He loves me so much." As we disembark Tommy comes running to me "My Lady, oh it has been complete madness here in your absence" oh gods no. "What do you mean Tommy? I have only been gone for two months."

"Ellaria Sand gave birth a week after your departure to... two stillborn daughters" oh no, how terrible "And she blames you my Lady... " hold on, "What?" I say in utter disbelief. "That is not all... the four whores from Lys are here, and your Lord husband is very much angry with you at the moment, I advise you avoid him my Lady" I just wanted to rest in my own bed but here I am accused of double murder with my four new assets and their untimely arrival.

I take a deep breath as I climb onto my horse "I appreciate your concern Tommy but right now I need you to take both Tayta and Mordred, and make arrangements so that my four new friends from Lys have proper housing near the palace grounds... Toko, once we get there, find out what happened to those babes. I will take care of my husband" and I ride off back to the Old Palace, will I ever get a break?

The second I dismount my horse, Ellaria is running towards me with rage in her eyes "You are a heartless woman, you murdered my babies! You deserve to be executed, you traitorous lion bitch!" Henry and Toko step in front of me, both ready to unleash their swords, and Henry speaks "I suggest you chose your next words carefully, your insolence towards our Lady will not be forgiven" ha! I do love my protective northern man.

She pokes his armour and says "You do not speak here soldier... And YoU deserve a thousand deaths for taking the life of my two innocent daughters, I will kill you..!" She makes an advance towards me and they both unleash their swords. Toko now speaks "A sworn knight of the Princess of Dorne holds a much higher title than a mere mistress. You will not insult our Lady any further, now move aside Ellaria Sand" She again turns to me,"Why won't you speak?! Because you feel guilty?! We both know it was you," poor unleashed soul. "No Ellaria, I simply do not wish to indulge your childish behavior...of course, I did not kill your babes" This is ridiculous.

I start walking away with Henry by my side and Toko off to talk to our birds. Ellaria keeps screaming behind me calling me a murderer and a monster, this is going to be one giant pain to handle. "Elyn, call for the girls and bring them to my chambers" I keep walking, just as I am crossing the throne room Oberyn pops out from behind a pillar, eyes red and directed at me. "Tell me you didn't do it... " he whispers.


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