CHAPTER 24:- Their Confused Family!

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We were having our dinner in silence, when I felt something creepily walking on my leg. I placed the fork back on the plate and moved a little back to see what it was. I lifted my leg a bit and saw a BIG BLACK SPIDER. I screamed loudly and jumped from my place. Everyone stood up too, throwing me questioning looks.

"Spider, there's a spider on my leg." I jumped up and down and the spider fell from my leg. It went under the table and everyone laughed loudly.

"Oh God! It was a fake one." Noor said and laughed. I opened my mouth to scream at them but sat down silently.

"I'm really sorry Alizey. We decided to have some fun, so Hira and I decided to play a prank on you. I hope you didn't mind." Maha said and I nodded.

"No, why will I mind? But I was about to get a mini heart attack." I said and everyone laughed at me. Everyone once again started having lunch silently.

"Ma, I'm going to take rest. Has the maid cleaned my room and office?" Khizer stood up and asked her.

"No, I know very well my son can't see his room untidy and I also know that you hate the work done by maids. So I cleaned both, your room and office." Ma said and smiled at him. He marched towards her and kissed her hands and muttered a thank you. She nodded and he left to- maybe his room.

After sitting and eating there for the next half hour, we all were done. Everyone left to their respective rooms while I picked up all the used plates and placed them in the dishwasher. While I was placing the leftovers in the refrigerator, Ma came and grabbed my hand, preventing me from putting the food.

"Go and have some rest. This work is done by maids and you are the bride of this house. Not some maid. Go." She said and I lowered my head and nodded.

I exited the kitchen and once again I was lost in this -Oh! So big house-. I wandered here and there trying to search for a vacant room but I guess every room was already taken, as I could see the lights being switched ON from the little space below the door.

I was feeling too sleepy and I didn't even know where to sleep. While I was walking with my eyes closed, I bumped into someone really really hard. Only then I heard a voice of the shattering if glass.

I groaned and opened my eyes, rubbing my forehead in the process and saw furious baby blue eyes staring at me. He rolled his eyes and gazed at me boringly.

"Ummm... Uzair can you please guide me towards a vacant room?" I questioned him slowly and he rolled his eyes again. I know he is angry. Fire was emitting from his baby blue eyes.

"As far as I know, you are married so go and sleep with your husband in his room. Just don't waste my time. God why did I even bump into her?" He muttered the last part angrily. I don't know why tears welled up in my eyes. No one ever talked to me like that! Not even Khizer himself! I lowered my head and shook it, just to clear my glossy vision.

"What the hell? Why are you all girls cry-babies? Did I hurt you? Did I kill you? Did I punch you? Just get lost from here." He snapped and I flinched. I turned back and was about to walk away when my foot slipped and thud!

I fell down with my face landing straight on the floor first. I could hear sparrows chirping around my head and I tried to stand up by placing my hands on the floor but they too slipped and this time, I fell more hardly.

Someone grabbed my arm and pulled me upwards. I stood up and tears fell from my eyes.

"Shit, what the hell can't you just open your eyes and walk properly! Need spectacles?" He asked and I stared at him unbelievingly. Is he for real?

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