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Third person's POV:-

He stopped his car in front of an expensive restaurant and glanced at Alizey who was fast asleep. He smiled and placed her feet slowly on the seat not in an attempt to wake her up. He exited the car and moved towards her side. Opening the door slowly, he grabbed her by her arms and placed her on the seat properly. She stirred in her sleep and opened her eyes slowly. He smiled at her and she yawned, covering her mouth with her hand.

"Wake up, let's eat something. You were hungry. Right?" He asked her and she nodded her head. She exited the car along with him, hand in hand, causing two pair of eyes to burn with jealousy.

He took Alizey with him to a special reserved area which he had already booked for them and they both placed their orders. After eating which took them nearly an hour as Alizey was eating as if she were a starved person since five months, they both exited the restaurant not before Khizer paid the bills and sat on his car.

The night was passing by, engulfing everything into darkness. The moon and the stars were the only source of lights. They were passing through a barren road and Alizey was laughing with Khizer who was listening to her attentively. He tried a lot to clear his mind away from everything that Faiz told him, but he couldn't. His mind was occupied by billions of thoughts and that was the reason he didn't see two black cars chasing them.

Seems like we got another enemy! But he has nothing to do with us, he is here for Alizey. Protect her, we will always be with you. His words rung in his ears and he sighed staring at Alizey.

She was happily telling him how much she loves food, more than anything and he smiled listening to her blabber about food. She was laughing all alone causing tears to fall from her eyes and Khizer would smile looking at her.

It was time when their happiness was about to vanish and tears of happiness that were now in Alizey's eyes were to be filled with tears of grief, sorrow and sadness. 

Maybe? Only fate knew what was written in their future! What was written in their life!


She was working in the kitchen and was chopping onion rings for the salad as if she were a master chef and that was when the door bell rang. She quickly wiped her eyes which were filled with tears as she had been chopping onion since an hour and went to open the door.

Peeking through the peephole, a smile took its place on her lips and she opened the door. She grabbed his laptop bag and he kissed her on her forehead and threw his lazy body on the couch.

"Fareeha, I'm very tired today. And hungry too! So.." He pointed towards his stomach and she laughed at his expression.

"Yeah, I was just preparing food. You go and freshen up and I'll call everyone for dinner." She smiled at him and he nodded. Ehtesham exited his room and Arhan slapped him on his back causing him to glare at Arhan.

He entered the kitchen where Fareeha was setting food on the dining table. He decided to help her and when everything was ready, she went to call Arhan and his parents.

"Mom, dad food is ready." She knocked on their room's door and also called Arhan. After few minutes, everyone was sitting in the dining room having dinner when Arhan's father told Fareeha to being a cup of hot milk for him, as he was not feeling well since a few days. It was a ritual at their home that whenever Alizey was sick her father would also fall sick.

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