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Third person's POV:-

It had been one week and just like always Khizer kept on fulfilling his wife's awkward wishes and she kept on showing him more and more tantrums. He would laugh at her when she would whine or plead him to stop kissing her or hugging her when she was sleeping but he never listened to her and would continue to tease her until she would start crying.

Just like everyday, today also Alizey groaned and shifted in the bed and snuggled more closer in a warm body. Knowing who he was, she peeled open one of her eye and came face to face with a bare chest. Her mouth went wide open and her cheeks turned red in color. It was the first time he slept bare chested in front of her.

Khizer laughed at her expression and hovered over her and she groaned, again. She was not in the mood for any romance. She tried to fight him but it was all useless. He moved towards her neck and started peppering kisses all over her face and neck but she stopped him, by placing her palm on his mouth.

"No, wait. Not today. Please. I'm not in the mood for any romance. I'm extremely tired. So move away and let me rest for some more time." She tried to sit on the bed but he didn't even budge from his place and pecked her on her lips.

"What are you? A MOUNTAIN!" She screamed angrily at him and started punching his chest but in the end she was the one who was hurt while Khizer smirked at her. She was now beyond angry and the fact that he was laughing at her useless attempts was fueling her anger more.

She whined and kept on pleading him to move away but he didn't. It was only when they heard a knock on the door and Alizey thanked her lucky stars while Khizer groaned. He stood up and wore his shirt quickly.

"Who is it now?" He shouted and opened the door and saw Sumbul standing there with a cup of hot chocolate and raised an eyebrow at him. He smiled sheepishly and rubbed the nape of his neck and moved aside. Sumbul entered inside and sat beside Alizey who smiled at her.

"How are you feeling now?" She asked and placed the mug on the table. It had been a few weeks since Alizey was not feeling well and everyone was worried as hell regarding her health.

"Yeah, I'm fine now. Just a little headache." She told her and tried to sit but Sumbul stopped her while Khizer raised his eyebrow at Alizey. Why didn't she tell me that she was having a headache? He thought and sighed, knowing that she will never tell him anything even if she is extremely sick.

His phone rang, breaking his trail of thoughts and he picked it up only to see Asif, his best detective calling him. He excused himself and exited the room.

"No lay down. When you feel fine then drink this. If you want tea or coffee just call me and I will inform Amber or Maha to bring it for you, but please order whatever you want before one hour as they are going to their college after one hour." She said and smiled at Alizey who smiled back. "I just came to inform you that I have to go to Azan's school today. He beat a boy today at school and they called his parents. So no body will be at home after one hour. You can go with Khizer at his office." Sumbul continued and informed Alizey who nodded silently. Khizer entered the room and smiled at Alizey but seeing something off about her his smile faded.

Sumbul patted Khizer's shoulder and left the room while Khizer sat beside Alizey who had her head rested against the headboard, and her eyes were closed.

"Are you fine, baby?" He asked sitting beside her and caressed her cheek while she leaned into his touch.

"Yeah, it's just I'm feeling so tired!" She said and whined while he frowned when he touched her forehead to check her temperature.

"You are not sick but let me call a doctor anyways. He will check you and see what's wrong with you. You are not feeling well since a few weeks." He spoke worriedly and grabbed his mobile but as soon as he grabbed it, his phone started ringing.

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