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Third person pov:-

It had been two days since her discharge from the hospital. No one talked to her. Since these two days, it was Fareeha who strictly made her eat food, despite her protests. She had not eaten her breakfast, lunch or dinner with her family. She still remembered how once she was in a sleepy state when she heard her father's voice saying I have seen everything. I hope you forgive us. But she did not see him there or anyone except Fareeha entering or leaving her room.

She had eaten her breakfast and was lost in her thoughts when her phone rang. She frowned, thinking who might have called her, because no one had called her since he incident. She checked the caller I.D and it was Mahnoor.

"Hey, how are you mahi?" She tried to ask in a jolly tone but her voice came out really weak.

"Yeah, I'm fine. You tell how are you doing? Why didn't you attend the last wedding functions of Arhan? Everyone was asking where is the groom's hot sister?" She asked making Alizey laugh loudly.

"I am...." She was about to tell her that she is fine but was interrupted by Mahnoor.

"Don't you dare lie to me. Have you heard your voice? It's so weak. Come on tell me what's the matter?" She asked Alizey strictly and from her voice Alizey could sense that she was worried.

"No. I'm seriously fine. It's just that I was sick from past two days and that's why I couldn't attend the functions." Alizey lied and sighed softly. How could she tell Mahnoor what was going on in her life

"WHAT....YOU WERE SICK AND YOU DIDN'T EVEN INFORM ME?" She heard Mahnoor's shout on the other side and it was too loud that Alizey had to keep her phone about a mile away from her ear.

"Oh please. Don't shout and damage my ears. Your voice is too high pitched. Just shut up. Ok." Alizey laughed and told her, trying to calm her down.

"Whatever. You are coming to my house right now. Its been so many days since I saw you. Let's have a girl's night today." She chirped happily. While Alizey stared at the mobile thinking it had been just three days since they saw each other.

"No mahi. I can't come. Please make it some other day." Alizey whispered tiredly, thinking how could she meet her in this condition? She'll blast the whole world, shouting at Alizey that why didn't she inform her before. And most of all Alizey didn't want anyone to think badly about her father or her mother, that they didn't trust her.

"No. You are coming right now and don't worry I will call Hussain and he will drop you at my home. Ok bye. See ya." She ended the call before Alizey could say anything. How will I tell her that no one will allow me to go to her place and the reason behind this all is ..... An un-named man. The man who ruined everything. Alizey just sighed and before anger took control over her, she called her again and Mahnoor received it sooner than she had expected.

"Listen mahi don't call Hussain. I'll come on my own. Ok!" She ended the call, after hearing Mahnoor's whisper, something that she didn't get. Sighing she headed towards the washroom. Seeing her own reflection, she gasped loudly. For the first few minutes, she thought she saw an alien.

Her eyes were read and puffy. Her face was so pale, with scratches of mirror pieces here and there. How am I going to face everyone? Most of all how am I going to face Mahnoor? She will ask me so many questions. What am I going to do? She thought and washed her face, dabbing it slightly dry with a towel. Exiting the washroom, she applied some concealer, so her wounds would disappear. Now the actual problem here started for her and that was: How will she go down and ask her parents that she is going to Mahnoor's?

Just calm down. Go and face them. Tell Mahi the truth. Maybe she'll help you. For how many more days will you stay locked up in this room?  Her inner mind encouraged her and she nodded to herself.

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