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Third person pov:-

It had been a week since she was held a captive at his home. She was feeling restless. He would confuse her more with his change of plans and due to the change in his attitude and voice, she would shiver badly. So she only did one thing. Cry. She cried every day, every night. Just for her family's safety. What was my fault in all this? What did I ever do to him? She would always ask herself the same question and got no response back. It was as if her inner mind who always loved to nag her was dead, just like her soul. She would wait for hours, for the inner advice but on no response she would sob and cry. Cry for everything. She cried at her luck, her fate.

She was sitting silently on the bed staring at the ceiling, thinking about her life. She stood up and strolled towards the window. Unlocking it's lid and sliding it away, she went in the terrace. She loved spending her time with nature. One thing she loved the most about Khizer's house was that there were birds chirping daily, birds sitting in the railing and she would always giggle and play with them. Back at her home, she saw no birds. But here at his home, she loved everything. She had forgotten everything about her home and loved spending her time with birds and the cool wind. It was as if the birds loved her too, they would sit on her hand when she would spread them in the air and she would laugh at them, unaware of Khizer watching her every move, noticing her laughs, smiles and giggles.

Both were in their own rooms, still remembering the conversation they had the very next day after Alizey was drugged.


When she woke up the next morning, the first thing she was  welcomed with was a severe headache. She clutched her head tightly and winced feeling pain in her arm where she was injected. She caressed her arm softly and opened her eyes which took a few time because of the sharp sunlight coming in the room.

She saw a silhouette of a person who was standing there staring outside the window, she narrowed her eyes and sighed, knowing who it was. Though she was angry at him for his yesterday's stunt, she didn't want to push him anymore in hurting her or drugging her.

Khizer who woke up earlier than before, entered her room where he saw her sleeping soundly. He checked her pulse, which was normal and he knew she would wake up within a few minutes. He ordered his maid through the intercom, and she brought a steaming strong coffee for him as per his orders. He was sipping his coffee staring at the outside world, when he heard shuffling sound from behind him.

He smiled knowing she woke up, he waited for her to call him, but when he heard no sound from the other side. He sipped his coffee and turned around and narrowed his eyes staring at Alizey who was about to open the door with her shoes from yesterday in her hand.

Alizey's while body froze, when she saw him turning around and placing the cup of coffee on the table and padding towards her. As much as she wanted to open the door and run away, she stopped from doing so and stood there silently with her head hung low.

"May I ask you Mrs. Alizey Tariq where were you going?" He asked, his voice laced with sarcasm and she stared at him straight in his eyes, angry that he had caught her from running away.

She threw her shoes angrily on the ground which hit Khizer's boots and he raised his eye brow at him. Alizey scoffed looking at his actions and when he threw her shoes away from him with his feet, she clenched her jaw in anger, which was clearly noticed by him.

"I asked a question and I deserve an answer!" He slaked his palms against her head and she rolled her eyes.

" Firstly, if you want me to respect you, you got to respect me too. Alizey Tariq does not tolerates anyone disrespecting her. And secondly, you have no right to ask me any question. I used my own feet to go away from here, not yours. So mind your freaking business and don't interfere in mine. Thirdly, you don't get to kick..." She was about to continue her speech when he grabbed her  upper arm and pulled her closer to himself.

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