64~ Summoning An Ex.

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Suhayr awoke earlier than Sa'eed the next day too and staring at his face, she felt like doing something romantic other than startling him like she did the day before. He finally let his guard down and they are now on good page with Shaheed so he made her day with that. Shaheed was happy when he told her everything was solved but he shall stay in the chamber for a day or two then leave and she welcomed him with open arms. She could use someone else's company in the house when Sa'eed leaves later.

"Wake up!" She whispered in his ear, her fingers tingling the sides of his beard which is no more trimmed hut it also doesn't look like a crazy man. Even in his sleep, the man gets to be perfect like the perfectionist he is.

"Naj..." He mumbled in his sleep and that is enough to shatter her good mood and she abruptly left the bed to the bathroom. She changed her mind after brushing her teeth since she wanted to take bath first but everything is now ruined.

Suhayr feels upset, angry and most of all, she feels like a fool for thinking about their relationship growing and becoming real. What was she thinking when she is the one that could never have the relationship work? Najaah? Seriously?! He has to call her name today of all the days in the world when they have already started building something beautiful? After he found out everything she has done the day before from his brother, he is still dreaming about her? Naj?! What the actual fuck!

She wants to vent everything in her at his sleeping figure but she don't have the right and that is the most awful feeling on earth. She don't have the audacity to ask him or reprimand why he is calling his ex wife's name since they are not really together just because they are married. They've kissed twice or is it three times? She knew the number of times they've kissed won't fill her one hand. It's not like he's confessed his undying love for her, does the man even love her?

This might be the only lust talking that has to do with a man and woman living together, nothing more and nothing less. All she wants to do is yell at him but how can she do that without looking and feeling stupid for that?

"Woah, you look grotesque." Shaheed made a face, he startled her but she expected him to be there to make breakfast for them again in the morning. The maids are still taking their time to come huh? He is wearing a white short sleeved button up shirt and denim jeans which he probably asked someone to bring for him.

"Gee, thanks!" She rolled her eyes and her hands went for the apple in the bowl that sat in the middle of the island.

"And morning breath too, eww." He scrunched up his face at that, his eyes narrowing at how messy she looks. She looks so unlike the Suhayr he knew not that the first one he's met is perfect, she's worse than this.

"I didn't brush well and it's nature's fault." She deadpanned, her hands placing themselves on the island while trying to rob the sleep off her face. Why did she even wake up early only to have her mood entirely withered?

"Poor you, nature really loathe you because you look like you rush out from hurricane." He shook his head while stirring the food inside the pan, whatever it is he is making for them. She hopes it is edible for her to eat and calm down her sweltering mood.

"Blame your fucking brother for this. This is all for keeping up with him!" She gritted while gesturing at her face, the heavy tired bags palpable with darkened gift. She was tired yesterday and didn't get good sleep so what does he expect?!

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