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Suhayr sighed as she heard the door opening and whoever that person is just ruined her moment with a beauty sleep on the couch in the living room. She sat up slowly, removed a tissue paper from the golden well intricate tissue box and clean the drool from her face then took one to clean the white sofa before it stained. She yawned, a loud one that could startle anyone beside her thinking she is hungry and could take down a camel but she is just tired and bored after her trip down to her Aunt's place. She's talked a lot the whole afternoon, she manage to fetch some senses into those girls so it took energy.

She even forgot about the wedding they are to plan.

"Lazing around, are we?" She heard Sa'eed's voice cutting through the silent air in the room. She yawned again, using the back of her hand to close her mouth then with slothful eyes filled with sleep, she surveyed him. Her eyes are dropping, really wanting to close and continue sleeping but she can't.

"When did you get here?" She asked even though she knows he just walked in with his briefcase dropped by the table beside the door by a guard. He closed the door quietly like he don't want to be seen there.

"Just now and found out the maids have a day off." He shrugged, folding his long figure on the couch adjacent to hers, his arms flexing behind the back of his head. He is definitely doing that intentionally for the shirt clung onto his biceps in a vice grip.

"Really? No wonder none of them woke me up nor bring me food to eat and I'm so hungry." Her eyes are now dilated with the hunger she feels like they just violated a rule she never told them which is to never let her be hungry even if she is asleep. Sleeping is important to Suhayr but so was food.

The chamber has been really quite since morning when they served them breakfast and she left the house to go to her Aunt's. When she came back, she hit the hay on the couch so she didn't know about the day off they suddenly have. And no one cared to tell her about it, the day has already yawed into a grey colour which means it should be close to Maghrib and she slept the whole afternoon off. Oh well, now is time to fill up her stomach then she can pray or she'd keep thinking about food while praying. Oh, she doesn't even pray, yay, not!

"You can cook, can't you?" He questioned, his Gucci clad feet getting placed on the mirror surfaced table that she feared it would dirty it but not even a tinge of dust fell of his incredulously neat grease office shoes. Ha, she consciously stared at hers just beside the first carpet, it is dirty!

"Of course!" Suhayr can't cook to save her life in any lifetime she gets reincarnated. She has never boiled an egg her whole life so this is her declaring a war for her. She won't let him have something against her.

Back in her home, there is always takeaway for her waiting at home or if she wants, she'd eat in the office and then when she goes home, she will make cereal and sleep. Cooking, that is her worst enemy, why did she even lie about it so instantly that she would've gotten a whiplash? She don't know but she just felt the need to protect herself and her dignity in front of the douche. Just because he is nice to her doesn't mean she's going to let her guard down, he might backstab just when she gets comfortable with him so no! He don't need to know, it is none of his concerns.

Her foster mother was a chef, a great one at that! She used to cook for the whole company every Friday, waking up around six to get everything ready but Suhayr never paid attention neither does she want to. She loves food but she can't cook, that is where she went wrong all along. Her mother would always scold her about her habits of not doing anything ladylike but she said the best chef in the world is not a woman so why would she kill herself. Besides, she could hardly eat the cereal she made herself so what if she makes the food?

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