chapter twenty two

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I lean forward, resting my head on the steering wheel. My eyes droop shut, and I allow my breathing to slow to a steady pace. No matter how calm my body feels, though, my mind can't be stopped. Ironically, my thoughts are consistently about Harry. At least something has changed since he turned my emotions for him off.

No matter what we do, we just can't get anything right. Everything was supposed to be better now that we don't have to worry about being attracted to each other. Why can't we just get along like Dylan and I do? 

This should be the least of my worries. I've just killed someone and a flock of supernatural creatures want me dead, yet I'm worrying about my relationship with Harry, a demon who's only in my life because of our connection. It all makes me feel sick. I sit up and frown. Why do I suddenly feel so sick?

I twist around and look for a water bottle in the back seat, but there's nothing. My stomach continues turning with no mercy, becoming more brutal. I double over, attempting to find some relief, but it's no use. A pressure begins to build just below my throat, and while most people would believe this is vomit trying to come up, I know better. Someone is about to die. I shoot up and look around the parking lot, but everything looks normal.

Quickly, I step out of the car and walk down the aisle of cars, surverying everyone around me. I'm surrounded by families and young couples. It all seems average, but one of them has to be special to make me feel this way. My head starts to pound, and I instinctively place my hand on my forehead. Everything inside of me is being amplified, so whoever is going to die, is going to die within minutes. 

I'm at the glass doors of the grocery store now, and the amount of people trying to walk past me has doubled. My head spins as I try to look at each individual face and find something out of the ordinary. Somebody grabs my hand, and at first, I assume it's a mistake, but after a few seconds, they still don't let go, so I whirl around. Harry stands behind me, a frown etched deep into his features.

"What's going on?" He asks, keeping his voice low.

"I don't know. Someone is going to die, though. I can feel it." I lead us further into the store and out of the way of the doors.

"Yeah, I got that."

"Right. The connection."

"You haven't seen anything weird?" 

"No, that's what I'm trying to do now, but everything is pretty normal for a grocery store." I shrug and pull my hand out of his. I know I must be clammy, and he doesn't need to feel that.

"Maybe it's Niall trying to communicate with you?"

"I would already be passed out by now." 

"Well, what are they waiting for?" He runs his hand through his hair, "If they're going to kill, they might as well do it already."

"Whoever it is might be trying to toy with us." I suggest, scanning the store.

"Nobody plays games with me, Tabitha." 

"It doesn't usually last this long. Whenever I get the feeling, the wail follows pretty quickly. This is driving me crazy." I shake my head, and as I do so, I catch a movement. 

"Did you see that?" Harry asks, rushing towards the cereal aisle, and I quickly follow behind him. When we turn into the aisle, though, it's empty.

"Fucking hell." I mutter. Sweat starts to formulate on my forehead, slowly dripping down to my jaw.

"You don't look good."

"I don't feel so great, either. The kill needs to happen before I get seriously sick."

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