chapter eighteen

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I let his words bounce around in my head for a moment. I let the emotions and events of the night play through my mind, considering how I gave into those temptations.

"Do you know what a temptation is?" I quietly ask, watching his hand on my upper thigh.

"Enlighten me, Tabitha." He whispers, his breath hot on my neck, and I force myself to ignore the sensation it gives me.

"A desire to do something wrong." I rest my head back on the seat.

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"That means this must be wrong if it's a temptation. Harry, I really should just go to bed."

"I can come with you." He gently kisses my neck, and I shudder.

"If you step into my house, we both know what's going to happen."

"So, you're telling me that you'll kill a man, but you won't let me finger you again?" He scoffs and finally meets my eyes.

"When you put it like that, it sounds kind of ridiculous, but-"

"No. Stop saying that, and just do what you want. Who's going to judge you?"

"I am, Harry. I have to live with my choices. I'm not a demon like you. Sadly, I can't just forget about the choices I've made."

"Let me help you learn how to do it." He moves his hand between my legs, roughly rubbing circles. My lips part, and a moan escapes.

His lips find the sensitive skin on my neck, and he shows no mercy on me, biting and sucking with all his strength. I grip the seat underneath me and close my eyes. The pleasure courses all through my body, and my heart beats with excitement. 

Harry moves away from my neck, practically panting, and pushes his lips onto mine. Our kiss is hungry and desperate, like we've waited years to do this. I open my legs wider, giving his hand more movement. In one swift movement, he's straddling my hips. His hand still remains between my legs, but he uses his shoulders to push against mine, pinning me to the seat. 

He rests his forehead against mine, breathing heavily into my mouth. I long for him to move just an inch closer to me, so we can resume our kiss, but he stays like this, staring into my eyes. I close mine, for the tingling below my waist has become too much, and I can't handle his stare.

"Open your eyes." He commands, and I reluctantly obey. When I glance down at his mouth, his lips are tugged up in one corner, satisfied. 

"You like this?" I mutter.

"I love it." He pushes himself onto me harder, and I wince. Pain shoots through my back.

"Get off!" I gasp, and he immediately complies. His face fills with concern, and he looks from himself to me, trying to figure out what he did.

"What's wrong?"

"My back. It hurts too much." I lean forward, rubbing my lower back, partially because I don't want to see the disappointment in his eyes.

"I can give you a massage, if you want."

"You're not going to get in my pants tonight. Just stop trying." 

"I didn't mean it like that. It really seems like you need one. I promise I won't try anything." He pauses, "Just let me take care of you."

I slowly turn my head to look at him, and I'm surprised that I don't see a sarcastic expression. His eyebrows are knitted together, and his mouth is slightly turned down. Without an answer from me, he vanishes from his seat, and opens my door from outside. 

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