chapter twenty seven

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I don't know how much time passes. Harry and I lay together, silent, soaking in each other's company. Soaking in the other's touch on our hands. My body craves more with him, a sexual release, but I have to be satisfied with this. I know I would love this a month ago, before my emotions for Harry were turned off.

My phone buzzes, and I sigh. As much as I'd like to ignore it, I know I can't just do that anymore. For all I know, it could be Dylan telling me Avaline is dying. My life isn't simple enough to be able to press the ignore button. I roll over, letting go of Harry's hand, and grab my phone.

"Yes, Avaline?" I try my best not to sound too annoyed.

"We have religion tomorrow." She shouts into the phone, and I frown.

"But we don't have a teacher."

"I just got the e-mail. They found a substitute. I just thought I'd let you know, since you never check the internet anymore."

"Thanks. I'll see you tomorrow." I drop my phone to the floor and roll onto my back. When Harry doesn't wrap his hand around mine, I glance at him, and he's carefully watching me.

"Your school must be trying to make the murders not a big deal." He mutters, and I nod.

"I was really hoping I wouldn't have to go to class." I laugh, but he doesn't seem to find the humor in my laziness.

"Maybe you shouldn't go." His brows pull together, and he shifts his gaze to the ceiling.

"Why not?"

"I just don't have a good feeling about it."

"Harry, it's just class. I can handle it. Besides, I'll have Avaline, so I won't be alone. I'm sure you can trust her, I mean, she has been under your watch."

"Fine, but don't think I'm letting you go because of Ava."

"So, why are you?"

"You're much more powerful than her. You can protect yourself." He looks back at me, a small smile on his lips.

"I would go whether you said I could or couldn't." I say, knowing this will frustrate him.

"Why must you make everything so difficult?"

"I love to see you get all worked up." I laugh, and this time, he chuckles along with me.

"Sometimes, I don't regret stabbing you."

"There's a line, Harry, and you just crossed it!" I exclaim, pouncing on him. I straddle his hips, holding his hands above his head.

"What are you going to do to me, Tabitha?" He asks with a dark, hungry look in his eyes. My heart accelerates, and I stop myself from smiling.

"I'm going to make you apologize."

"That sounds boring." He raises his brows, and I lean down. I rest my forehead on his, eliminating the space between our lips.

"I can make it fun, if you'd like." I breathe, holding my position. I will not kiss him, I will not kiss him, I will not kiss him.

"What did I say earlier?" He firmly asks, and I'm no longer on top of him. He pushes me off, and I collide with the bed. Swiftly, he crawls on top of me, holding my arms above my head, imitating the way I held him down.

"I can't remember right now." I answer honestly. Right now, all I can think about is how shallow my breathing is, and how good it feels to have his body against mine.

"No fucking right now."

"What about just fucking around?" 

"Like this?" He lowers himself, keeping his grip on my wrists, and slowly places his lips on my neck. My body instantly reacts, and I throw my head back.

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