chapter twenty three

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Before long, Avaline and Dylan are sitting together at the kitchen table, surrounded by papers, while I lean against the counter, looking up information on my laptop. 

"Okay, so you said Katie's last name is Beckinsale?" I ask out loud to whoever will answer as I type in the name. 

"Yeah. It's spelled just like it sounds." Dylan answers, and I nod. 

Somehow, Dylan was able to put a software on my computer that the police station uses. Now, I'm able to look up anyone's criminal record, as well as personal information. Not only will it be useful to find information on my possible enemies, it can also help me with my future boyfriends.

A photo of a blonde woman pops up on my screen. She looks about ten years older than me, but this says she's only five years older than me. Her crystal blue eyes pierce through the screen, but what's even more noticeable, is the scar below her right eye.

"Okay, this says she was in a juvenile detention when she was sixteen." I read, "She stabbed someone, but it was self defense."

"So, why was she in the detention?" Avaline asks.

"Oh, that was for shoplifting at a mall. She stole jewelry. I guess it was pretty expensive stuff." I shrug and look to both of them.

"Neither of those things really point to being a worshipper of Satan." Dylan frowns, "I mean, some people I've made deals with seemed like the nicest people around."

"So, how are we supposed to tell if any of these people are working against us or not?" Avaline lays her head on the table in defeat, and I give her a small smile. 

"They're on this list for a reason." I look back to the computer for any type of hints.

"Because Harry thought they needed to be. He has guys who just listen to gossip, and then he puts whoever he hears about on the list." Dylan explains, and I nod.

"So, he's killing people based on gossip."

"No, he also stalks them before he kills. It's like a lion with an antelope." 

"If we want the real dirt, I'm thinking that we're going to have to follow Harry's example and stalk them."

"We don't have enough time to stalk each of them."

"Okay, so we follow them for a couple hours instead of a couple days." I suggest, shutting my laptop. I'm obviously not going to be needing it.

"Alright, get the Katie's address, so we can start this." He stands up and gathers all of the papers from the table. I open my laptop again and quickly write down her home address.

"Can I shut this now?" I nod down at my computer.

"You don't need his permission." Avaline laughs as she leaves the room with Dylan. For some reason, I feel like they're teaming up on me. I never thought I'd see this day.

I follow them out into the living room and grab my keys when we approach the door. Locking the door behind me, I take a moment to look at the dark sky. The clouds hide any sight of the stars, and I can barely make out the outline of the moon, yet it still shines through.

"I'll drive." Dylan breaks me from my thoughts, and I quickly regain my sense of self.

"No, I'm driving because it's my car, and it was my idea. You can be in the trunk for all I care." I brush past him and get in the car.

"I feel like I'm back at home." Avaline mutters as she sits in the backseat. I glare back at her, and she shrugs innocently. 

"You're going to make him sit up here with me?"

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