chapter twenty four

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After dropping Avaline off at her apartment, which she was extremely grateful for since she's been having to stay with Harry and Dylan, Dylan and I decided to get some coffee. Although that's not the best first step towards getting a good night's rest, we both felt it was something we need.

As soon as I walk into the small coffee shop, my nose is filled with the strong scent of java. It smells incredible and instantly awakens my senses. How am I going to sleep with the thought of a future kill and a big mug of coffee?

"I'll have a white chocolate mocha." Dylan tells the woman at the cash register while I gaze at all the vintage decorations around the space.

"And for you, ma'am?" Her chippy voice brings me back to the task of ordering my beverage.

"I'll have the same as him. Thanks." I mutter and mindlessly roam to an empty booth against the wall. When I sit down, it feels incrediblly soft, making me softly smile.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Dylan approaches me, setting my mug in front of me on the table then sits opposite me in the booth.

"I was just appreciating how comfortable this booth is, actually." I explain then hold out my hand, "Now give me a penny."

"Sorry, but it's just an expression, unfortunately."

"Damn, I was hoping for a penny because then I'd be rich." I giggle, and he lightly chuckles.

"So, about this crazy woman." 

"She's not a woman, though, so we shouldn't give her the benefit of her calling her that."

"She is a woman, Tabitha, she's just not a human woman." 

"Whatever. I need her off this planet as soon as possible." I take a sip of my latte, squeezing my eyes shut at the intense heat.

"Something tells me that you want her dead for other reasons than saving babies across town."

"I'm not too big on babies. You caught me." I jokingly hold my hands in the air as if I'm surrendering, but he doesn't even crack a smile.

"I'm concerned that you're getting hooked on killing." He lowers his voice, but I still look around the small cafe to make sure nobody is within earshot of us.

"Everything is fine, Dylan. For God's sake, how could I be hooked on killing?"

"I've seen it happen too many times."

"The thought of murder makes me sick. I don't know how anybody could enjoy it or even be addicted to it." I take a long drink to avoid making eye contact with him.

"Trust me, it happens, and when it does, it's sick."


"Yeah. They go completely mad over it, and it ends up consuming them. Luckily, this is supposed to happen to demons."

"Dylan, a demon being hooked on killing isn't bad."

"I'm not going to explain this to you because it doesn't matter. All that I care about is that you're sane and normal."

"I just witnessed a baby being eaten by a strange woman. I don't think normal will ever be a word that's used to describe me." I roll my eyes.

"That may be true, but I don't need you enjoying killing people."

"I'm going to do whatever it takes to keep myself and my friends safe. That's all I have to say on the subject." I shrug and stare down at my drink. My eyes flicker to Dylan's mug, and I notice that he hasn't touched it.

"Would you like to know how we're going to kill this aswang?" He leans in with a devious grin, and I quickly mimick his expression.

"Tell me."

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