chapter seventeen

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Harry holds the small of my back as we walk to the front door, and at first, I find it sweet and caring, but when he doesn't stop, it gets irritating.

"I can walk on my own." I say, staring straight ahead.

"I just thought that you'd want some help with all this pain." He slowly moves his hand away from me, and the skin feels odd without his touch there now.

"I'm fine. I'll be fine." I mutter, and I don't know if I'm saying it to him or myself. Yes, the pain is rather unbearable, but I feel like I have to be invincible around Harry.

"Can I at least open the door for you?" He asks as we approach the door, and I lightly laugh.

"Yes, you can open the damn door for me."

"Cool." He breathes and quickly walks in front of me to widely open the front door. Outside, the sun has now set, and the moon lights the sky. I frown at the cool breeze that blows my hair around.

"I need a jacket." I murmur, turning around to go back to my room.

"I'll get it for you."

"Let me do it. I'm not a child."

"It'll be quicker if I do it. Calm down."

"I want my black one!" I call after him as he jogs down the hallway. I rub my hands up and down my arms to produce some sort of heat. When I glance out the front door, I see a couple walking down the street, hands held. I smile at the way they look at each other and make a mental note to try to meet them sometime.

"Here you go." Harry pushes the black jacket into my hands, pulling me back into reality. I quickly whirl it around my body and push my arms through the correct holes.

"Let's go." I begin walking towards my car and groan. I forgot the car keys.

"I have them." Harry says, shutting the door behind him, and I grin.

"That doesn't mean you get to drive." I hold out my hand for the keys, but he just walks past me.

"You're injured, and you just took some pain pills."

"I took regular medicine. I don't have hardcore drugs in my house, Harry."

"I'm driving. No discussion." He gets in the car before I can protest any more. With an extra loud huff, hoping that Harry could hear it through the car, I walk to the passenger side and climb in.

"How long until we're there?"

"You literally just got in the car." He sighs and turns the key, bringing the engine to life.

"I was just curious." I shrug, wrapping the seat belt around me. I've learned that Harry is a pretty good driver, but that's only when he wants to be.

"I don't know. Just relax."

"I'm bored."

"Holy shit. What would you like me to do for you?"

"Tell me about what we're about to do." I glance at him and see the edges of his mouth turn up.

"Getting excited?"

"Just tell me, please."

"It's someone your age. They'll have a lot of will to live, which means a lot of fighting, but we can manage." He explains with a small shrug. My heart skips a beat when he mentions the age, though. I already stopped Hailee's young life.

"I don't know if I'm fit for the job, Harry."

"You are. Trust me. You were born to kill." He says, and he ignites a fire of pure confidence within me.

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