chapter twenty eight

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After waiting for what feels like an eternity, I see Harry's sleek black car pull into a parking space. I nearly sprint to the car and jump inside, eager to get to some kind of protection; although, my campus shouldn't make me feel threatened.

"Why are you so antsy to get in the car?" He stares at me with bewilderment in his eyes, and I consider the fact that I probably just looked like a crazy person.

"It's been a weird day." I cover my face with my hands, blowing out all the air in my lungs then move my hands back through my hair.

"Care to share?"

"Sure, but can we get the hell away from this campus?"

"No problem." He shifts into reverse and pulls out of his parking space with utter ease, "Now, please tell me about this weird day of yours."

I twist the silver ring around my finger, reminding myself of the phrase carved in it, Diabolus enim vitae. The devil lives. The conversation from my lecture runs through my mind. How could I even consider denying that I would obey Satan? I rely on a ring that states his existence.

"Well, our substitute, uh, I guess he's my teacher now, he's really weird. Okay, I know I keep using the word weird, but he is. Like, he kept staring at me during class, and he asked for my name but nobody else's." I ramble, watching the landscape pass by through the windshield.

"Maybe he thinks you're cute. That is a very possible thing, you know."

"You're going to make me blush." I prop my elbow on the middle console and rest my head in my hand.

"All I'm saying is guys tend to stare at hot girls, and you're a hot girl. I wouldn't be freaked out by him until he corners you or something."

"That's how far it has to go?"

"You can't be so ready to call people evil." He pulls into my neighborhood, and I let out a long sigh.

"I don't want to go home."

"Where do you want to go?" He pulls into someone's driveway then backs out, going back towards the entrance of the neighborhood.

"I don't know. I'm just bored of always being home. There's nothing to do there." I shrug, feeling like a teenager.

"Okay, well, there's some research I could be doing if you want to join me." He offers, leaning back in his chair. I groan.

"Research doesn't sound too fun." 

"Okay, so tell me where to go." 

I consider all of the places that I haven't been since meeting Harry. In reality, the list is short because I didn't go out to too many spots to begin with. The mall is always an option, but there isn't much to do there. Any bars are off limits, since I'm not twenty one. Plus, the only people who go to bars during the day are weridos. An old bookstore comes to mind, and I smile at the thought. Harry seemed to be enjoying the book in my room. Maybe I can introduce him to some more of my old favorites.

"Turn left." I direct, and his lips twitch into a crooked smile as he sits up, pushing the blinker down.

"We came to a bookstore?" Harry whines, putting the car in park. He may think the idea is boring or lame, but my heart flutters with anticipation just looking at the brick building.

"Yes, and it's going to be incredible." I beam and step out of the car. All my worries from earlier quickly fade to the back of my mind.

"You're such a nerd." He scoffs, getting out of the car. I walk around the hood, meeting him, and we begin to walk through the parking lot in sync.

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