chapter thirty

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I hold my gaze on Louis, trying to decide if I want to give him the benefit of the doubt or not. Before I can decide, my feet are moving, and I'm storming towards him. His lips curve upwards, a grin forming on his face.

"Tabitha, you look like a mess." He chuckles, "You can't even walk in a straight line. Did you visit happy hour somewhere?"

"What the hell are you talking about?" I feel my cheeks heat. Did I not just walk in a straight line?

"It looked like you were having trouble just picking up your feet."

"She took a couple pain pills before we got here. Leave her alone, dick." Harry sits down beside Louis, glaring at him.

"You're popping pills now?" He raises his brows, "I can help you with that. Get you some."

"We were in a car accident." I run my hand through my hair, rolling my eyes, "That's not the point, though."

"Well, I didn't think you came to gossip with me."

"Hey, asshole, can you take things seriously for two minutes?" Harry slams his fist on the small table.

"She's standing up. It's making me anxious. I can't think straight if she's standing up."

"Fine." I sigh, pulling out the wooden chair and sitting down.

"Now, what are you two here about?"

"Hailee is in trouble." I take a moment to squeeze my eyes shut, rubbing them before opening again, "Apparently, you'll know what to do."

"Are you up for anything right now?" Louis' brows pull together slightly.

"I'm fine. I'm just a little groggy from the pills."

"Maybe he's right, Tabitha." Harry interjects, "You should go to your house and rest. Dylan and Avaline could keep you company."

"Are you kidding me?"

"You're not in the best condition."

"I'm not bleeding out or sloppy drunk. I'm fine. My best friend needs me, so I don't care what either of you say. I'm going to help her."

"It's good to know that you're still stubborn when under the influence." Louis scratches the back of his head.

"Do you know anything or not?" Harry drums his fingers on the table, and I can tell he's trying his best to be patient.

"Hailee and I have been communicating." Louis begins, and I want to shout at Harry that he was wrong, "She has been really concerned about you, Tabby."

"Well, I'm really concerned about her right now!"

"I don't know where she is, but I do know that she was going to try to talk to someone. She said this person could help you."

"That's ridiculous. How could she find someone to help that I couldn't?" Harry leans back in his chair.

"There's no time to whine about your hurt ego." I roll my eyes.

"All she told me was that this person was someone who could do spells. She thought that, maybe, there could be a protection spell." Louis explains then takes a long drink of his coffee.

"Is there any way she could be tortured?" I glance around the small coffee shop, continuing once I make sure nobody is listening, "I mean, she's a ghost."

"She is a ghost, but witches can be very tricky."

"Do you know any witches?" I think back to the vision I had of him. The girl with him was probably a witch.

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