chapter fourteen

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I hear the front door being pushed open followed by footsteps rushing towards me. I look up to see Harry standing over us, and I'm not sure if he has an expression of pity or concern.

"What happened?" He frowns at me, his hand running through his hair, and I notice just how long he's let it get.

"She told me she had been passing out a lot today and how you attacked her, so I went to get her pain pills. When I came back, she was like this." I stand up beside Harry and look down on her lifeless body.

"She told you about how I attacked her?" 

"Yeah, and I think that's pretty messed up." I turn my gaze towards him.

"That's ridiculous." He says, and his body tenses up.

"You can't be mad at her right now. She needs our help." I point to her motionless body covered in bruises. 

"Liam isn't around, so she obviously isn't about to die." He shrugs and sits down on the small table in front of the couch.

"You're so insensitive." I huff, "Whether she's dying or not, she's not well."

"So take her to a hospital. You don't need me for that."

"You caused this, so I figured you could help solve it. I should've just called Dylan." 

"Yeah, perfect Dylan." He rolls his eyes, and I'm reminded of myself when people told me to be more like my older siblings.

"I don't have time for your pathetic pity parties." I sit Avaline up on the couch and try to figure out how I'll get her to the car.

"I'm not having a pity party."

"I'm a little busy, Harry, I can't fight with you right now." I tie my hair in a messy bun, preparing for the work that I'm going to have to do.

"Why doesn't anyone ever listen to me?" He shouts, slamming his fist against the table, and I jump.

"What the hell are you going on about?"

"She's going to be fine. You don't need to take her to a hospital." He drags his hand down his face then runs it through his untamed hair, "Just let her sleep. She can stay here."

"If she was sleeping, she'd wake up when I yell at her." 

"The human body is very weak and fragile. Whenever it is hurt, it does whatever it has to do to heal itself. Right now, her body is trying to heal." 

"And why should I listen to you?"

"If she's dead in the morning, you can drive a blade right through me."

"That's a little dramatic, but I like it." I move Avaline's body to lay back down on the couch.

"As much as you liked this afternoon?" His lips curve up into a small smile, and I roll my eyes, trying my best to keep my cheeks from burning.

"Don't say another word." I warn, but he just chuckles.

"A word about what?" He frowns, "About my finger sliding in and out of you?"

"I'm not kidding!"

"About how wet I made you?"

"Stop!" I shout, giving him the harshest glare I can manage. I put my finger in his face, but he pushes it down by my side and quickly pulls me between his legs, holding my arms by my sides.

"Or what?" He says in a low voice, and I feel my stomach heat up with lust.

"Or I'll kick your balls as hard as I can."  

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