Before The Twins Were Born

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Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry, the class of 1978 Lily Evans and James Potter graduated. They decided to further their relationship. Soon, James decided to purpose to Lily who happily accepted.

In the autumn of 1979, Lily and James got married. It was a very small ceremony because the wizarding world was at war, on a larger scale than it is now. But the wedding ceremony wasn't long after James' proposal, in case something happened to one of them, but also because they loved each other so much.

Only a few of their friends were there, one of them being Sirius Black, who was posing as James' best man. Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew also attended, being best friends of James and all. Fleamont and Euphemia Potter, of course, attended being that their only child, their only son was getting married. Lily also, had her closest friends there too. They were Mary Macdonald, Marlene Price, and Donna Shacklebolt. A very uncomfortable pair also attended, being that it was their youngest daughter's wedding.

Though contrary to people's beliefs Lily Evans soon to be Potter, wasn't muggle-born. The Evans family happens to be an ancient pure-blood wizarding family. Though due to inbreeding, the line would only produce squibs. Well until Lily Violet Evans was born. Yet both of the squibs were extremely nervous to be around so many powerful wizards and witches all at once.

Shortly after the wedding, Lily found out that she was expecting. She was pregnant. She couldn't wait to tell James that he was going to be a dad. That evening Lily would tell James. So she needed a plan. To help with that she called upon her closest friends, Marlene, Donna, and Mary. Many ideas were thrown around until one of them, said by Donna, stuck out like a sore thumb to Lily.

They soon left to get everything they would need to carry out the plan. The first stop was to get the fake cake with a secret message written inside. Though the cake resembled a real cake so much, it could have been easily mistaken for a real one. But also to get a cupcake with a message written on the top. 

Then they went to the baby shop, in order to get an onesie, a baby blanket, and a dummy. It would be safe to say that the girls were ecstatic. The first of many children to be born into their small group of friends.

It was now around time for dinner, so Lily went and bought James' favorite take out to make the moment even more special. And easier to remember. And to the surprise of Lily herself, she managed to keep the secret from James and all the other guys. Well with the exception of Remus, who knew something was up.

When she got back from getting the food, thank god James wasn't back from work yet. He works as an author. And a good one at that.

Lily then set the table neatly. It would put the professionals to shame. Just as she finished setting the table, James walked through the front door and called out to Lily.

"I'm home, darling. Where are you?" James called with his voice full of love.

"Hey, I'm in the kitchen," Lily replied, with her nerves skyrocketing. She didn't think she would be so nervous.

James strolled into the kitchen and over to his beautiful wife and kissed her. Then he noticed the fancy table setting and became rather nervous. He was thinking, what if she wants a divorce?, What if she thinks she made a mistake marrying me and not that slimy little snake? But he was quickly brought out of these thoughts by his precious Lily-flower. "I just wanted to do something nice. Now come sit." And so James did, and that's when Lily brought out his favorite food.

Now he definitely knew something was up, that she was up to something. But he didn't say a thing, because he didn't want to upset her. 'A mad Lily is never a fun Lily' he thought as a shiver ran down his spine.

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