The Fateful Night Leading to the Future

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After a while of James spinning around with Harry, he was told by Lily to stop or he was going to be sick. So he stopped and hugged Harry as close to him as he possibly could. He was happier than he ever has been, all because his youngest little baby boy's first words were used to call out for him, not Lily, not Sirius, him.

After he stopped Harry was taken from his arms by Sirius, who then gave him the biggest hug that he possibly could, and kissed all over his face. Once Sirius was satisfied with that treatment he started to blow raspberries on his little tummy which caused him to giggle ecstatically.

Sirius stopped a couple of minutes later so that Harry could actually breathe probably again, he looked up at his beloved godfather, smiled, and babbled "Paddy!" with a grin so big you would think it was the sun, all because it was so bright and Harry was so happy.

This shocked everyone further and Sirius beamed down at his stunning godson and said, "yes, pup I'm Paddy."

Harry then with a tired smile and yawned. He un subconsciously cuddled into Sirius' chest. And promptly fell asleep, whilst having a handful of his t-shirt.

So Sirius took Harry to his and his brother's nursery and put him in his cot carefully, tucked him in, and lovely kissed his forehead.

Time Skip to October 31st, 1981

Voldemort's P.O.V

A week before the 31st of October 1981

Peter Pettigrew came to me with the location of the Potter's, as the prophecy say's one of the Potter twins will cause my downfall, and I won't let that happen. I'll kill the brat before they have the chance to kill me. For now, we will wait and think of a plan before we attack them, a foolproof plan. Before they even realize that we were going to attack them. And my death eaters and I did.

On the night of Halloween

Peter has informed me that he was babysitting the Potter twins supposedly called Hadrian and Hunter. The reasoning behind this is because Lilian and Jameson wanted to go out for a date night.

On my way down the street, a despicable little child came up to me and said in a voice that sounded like he smoked a pack a day "love the costume mister", I just growled at the insolent little beast. And he ran away screaming for his mother. All I am wearing is a simple black robe, the brat didn't even see my face.

When I reached Godric's Hollow I opened the door to find Wormtail in the living room. He took me to the twins' nursery. Outside of the door, I sent a stunning curse at him, that hit him square in the chest. His whining was really annoying me.

As I walked into the youngest Potters room, half of the room was bright red and gold, very distasteful. And the other half of the room was sky blue and bronze, in colour slightly better than the other side but still horrible.

In the crib on the Gryffindor coloured side, and saw on the crib it said the name, Hunter James. The baby in the crib had dull red hair that looked like a rat's nest, with mud-coloured eyes that just started to open. I could truly tell he would grow to be an ugly man, well if he made it to be a man.

Then I went to the other side of the room and saw on a dark oak wood crip had the name Hadrian Sirius on it. Inside the crib, he saw a truly breathtaking baby. Who had curly raven hair and piercing emerald green eyes. I know he would always have all eyes on him when or if he grew to be a man.

He then scanned both Hunter and Hadrian's magical cores. Hunter was barely over a squib, kinda pathetic really. But Hadrian, his magical core was reaching the magical level of Merlin himself.

I knew from here I would have to kill this beautiful little baby. Such a shame really. Then out of nowhere the ugly and chubby one of the twins started to wail and scream. His screaming is giving me a migraine, so I cast a silencing charm over him so that I couldn't hear his screams anymore. I went back over to Hadrian and stared down at him and felt my heart stop for a split second when his eyes met mine.

I reached down and gently carest his cheek and said more gently than I ever thought possible "I'm sorry, little one I have no choice". His eyes just shone with understanding, he didn't even look a tiny bit scared. Then I said those blasted words "Avada Kedavra" in barely a whisper.

Then a golden flash of light came from the Potter baby and the curse was reflected back at me, and before I could react the curse hit me straight in the chest and everything went black.

Third Person's P.O.V

The fall of the almighty dark lord had happened when young Hadrian Sirius Potter used accidental magic and produced a shield that reflected the killing curse back at the caster.

Once the spell hit and kill Voldemort, the silencing spell wore off of Hunter. A lightning bolt scar appeared on the left side of Harry's forehead and was slightly hidden under his hair that rested on his forehead.

But due to the raw magical energy, the windows in the nursery shattered, and a piece of the shattered glass hit Hunter and created a V-shaped gash on his chin.

A few minutes later Lily, James, Sirius, and Remus entered the room to a screaming Hunter and a quiet Hadrian, Lily, and James immediately ran over to Hunter only to find the V-shaped gash on his face.

Sirius went over to Hadrian and saw the lightning bolt cut on the left side of his forehead. In order to protect his favorite godson, and moved his hair to cover his cut more than it already was.

Whilst this happened Remus had gone over to the fireplace and floo called Albus Dumbledore. Two minutes later Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore stepped out of the fireplace, and Remus took him to the twin's room.

Once there he saw James, Lily, Sirius, and the twins. Once he took a closer look at Harry and Hunter, he knows just from appearance and not by scanning their magical cores that Hunter was supposedly the baby that defeated Voldemort. He said this because he saw Hunter's cut and not Hadrian's all because Sirius covered his cut even more than it was to began with.

"Lilian, Jameson I have some grave news for you. Hunter defeated Lord Voldemort and protected Hadrian". Dumbledore said breathlessly. Then quickly added, "He will be the savior of the wizarding world, the fate of the wizarding world depends on him."

Lily and James were ecstatic their child is the savior of the wizarding world, they were the parents to the boy-who-lived. They totally forgot about their other son at this moment, they hadn't even checked to make sure he was okay.

Hunter loved all of the attention he was getting, whereas Harry only wanted to be held by his father. After a couple of minutes of celebrating Hunter and his supposed saving of the wizarding world, they remembered their other son.

They then went to check him over, they never saw the cut on his forehead. Though they weren't really looking too hard.

Then Albus Dumbledore spoke up about the whole situation with the twins. "Lily, James I'm afraid that Hadrian might become jealous of Hunter. You'll need to be careful of this and make sure that he doesn't grow to envy his older brother. I really regret that I have to inform you two of this."

Everyone's mood instantly dropped, they didn't want to think about the fact that Harry may grow to hate his twin brother. They hated the thought so much so they started to think about how they could prevent this.

They thought for a long time, but then Lily thought of something. Something that would change the course of fates itself.

It would never be the same again.

Word count:~ 1385

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