The Twins First Year Of Life

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After a while of just holding and watching both Hadrian and Hunter, Lily and James thought it time for their friends to meet their beloved kids. So James handed Hadrian over to Lily so that Lily now had Hunter resting against her left arm and Hadrian resting against her right arm.

In the waiting room, all the friends were relieved to find out that the twins were born and that they were safe and healthy. When Madam Pomfrey said this you could visibly see Sirius relax now that he knew both Lily and the babies were safe.

About half an hour after Poppy Pomfrey had given them the news, out came James Potter with a massive smile on his face.

"Would you like to meet the newest arrivals?" James said in a starstruck voice with a goofy grin on his face.

Sirius was the first to react. He shot up and ran over to James before anyone could comprehend what James had just said. This caused everyone to laugh and follow suit.

Once in the room, Sirius stared at Lily and the twin baby boys in her arms. Sirius let out a loud cheer and started to do a victory dance. All because of the fact that the twins were both boys as he hoped they were. He quickly got told to shut up by Lily, she then added "you'll make them cry if you're too loud their ears are sensitive." This made Sirius stop immediately.

As soon as everyone was in the room and was able to see the young Potter family, Lily spoke "Hey, these are the twins. If you couldn't tell they are both gorgeous little boys." Lily spoke just above a whisper as she stared adoringly at her little babies.

"This one on my left is Hunter James Potter, and he was born first. And this other little angel, on my right, is Hadrian Sirius Potter." Before anyone could say anything James turned to look Sirius in the eyes before saying, "We gave him your name because we are hoping that you would be little Hadrian's godfather." This wasn't said in a joking manner, quite the opposite James' tone was rather hopeful instead of mischievous.

The next thing you know Sirius Orion Black is jumping up and down squealing like a little girl. After about a minute he calmed down and turned to Lily and James with tears in his eyes and whispered, "I would love to, nothing could stop me."

"Could I hold my precious little godson, please?" He added in a rather hopeful tone.

"Of course, come here and take a seat," Lily said in between her giggles. Sirius then pulled a chair up to the left side of Lily's hospital bed, and James went to the other side of Lily's bed and took Hadrian from her arms. When he had Hadrian he walked back round over to Sirius and placed Hadrian in his arms in the correct manner.

Hadrian who had fallen asleep whilst in Lily's arms woke, only to find he was in another set of arms. Emerald green met grey. All of a sudden Sirius froze when he saw his little pup's eyes. All while Hadrian giggled and reached up trying to get closer to the strange man he didn't know but felt safe with.

He was instantly pulled closer to this strange man's chest, and he grabbed his soft brown curls and smiles, a smile that could melt even the coldest person's heart.

Whilst this interaction happened everyone watched the beautiful scene intently for a while before James spoke up again.

"Remus, Peter we were also hoping that you two would be Hunter's godfathers. And you Alice would be Hadrian's godmother if you guys wanted." James said softly, with a small grin on his face.

But before any of them could respond Lily spoke up "We don't mean to upset you Frank be we kind of ran out of kids, and we wanted them both to have the same amount of godparents." Lily said with a small smile, but a sad look in her eyes.

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